The Credible Threat

There is a lot of talk about a current “credible threat” of terrorism on the anniversary of 9/11. I suspect I am thinking of a different man than “they” are.

If a man whom you met
Was a “credible threat”
There’s no way that you’d let
Him evade you
And if somehow you knew
Your suspicion was true
What could anyone do
To dissuade you?

You’re the patriot type
And you’re not one to gripe
But you see through the hype
That they feed you
And you’re always aware
And you think that it’s fair
For your country, you’re there
When they need you.

With the hour growing late
There is no more debate
There are people who hate
And detest us
And they’ll cheat and they’ll lie
(Which they’ll always deny)
Through their teeth, as they’re try-
ing to best us

A religious extrem-
ist whose ultimate dream
Is that faith will redeem
Us, is scary
There’s a face in that frame
And we learn, to our shame
That this lunatic’s name…

Is Rick Perry

Ok, so I’m still pissed off at Perry. He actively, adamantly, proudly denies science, from climate to evolution. He brings his religion to his office, giving up his own responsibility and asking his god to intervene. He is, in short, a religious extremist, and proudly so. Last, and most off-pissing, he doesn’t lose a wink of sleep over killing a man who is not guilty of the crime he is dying for.

I’ve heard tell there is a chance he’ll be the next president.

Now that is a credible threat.


  1. machintelligence says

    The depressing part is that he will probably be the Republican nominee, since Palin and Bachman are too female and Huntsman and Romney are too Mormon for conservative tastes. On a brighter note, if he runs and loses badly to Obama we probably will have heard the last of him.

  2. Cuttlefish says

    I love it-thanks, Joan! I had to quickly check the publication times, but you are right, he could get it from me, but I could not have gotten it from him–once more, the one who writes in verse comes in first!

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