Friday Limericks–The Week That Was, 7 Nov. 2008

As announced a couple of weeks ago, the Friday Limerick Post is now a Week-In-Review limerick post. Get used to it.

Now, what happened this week? Seems to me something must have been newsworthy…

This week saw us vote for Obama,
And an end to the months of high drama;
Thus I say: About time
I can finish this rhyme
With a full stop, and not just a comma.

I may come back and add some more, but for now I need to do seventeen dozen things I put aside while I had the cable tv political news IV drip in my arm the last few weeks.


  1. says

    We have a new President-Elect. Republican noms we did reject. With a sigh of relief, After eight years of grief, YES WE CAN get back the world’s respect.

  2. says

    We rolled back the night, now it’s dawnAnd soon all our woes will be gone!(Let’s just not say”Unless we are gay”Till next week.) Now let’s party on!We elected a man, not a god.Progress comes, not a-leap, but a-plod.No white steeds are sight -To truly hold off the night,We’ll all have to join a work squad.But that’s next week, okay? Not right now.Let’s savor this moment, and how!We’re now underway,Let’s all stand up and say:America, please take a bow.

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