This is what we’ve come to

This is a comment that I deleted, by someone using the nym “Leum” who won’t be commenting here again.

I find it quite staggering.

And this time this stuff is coming from supposed allies. Progressives. People of the left.

This is what the people whipping up the hatred of me are fomenting:


Leum @58

Do you think Ophelia is not physically safe for a trans woman to be around?

Full disclosure: I am a cis male. I have the same reservations as Ophelia about a “yes” answer. I have spent some time in the company of a trans woman and felt no desire to attack her, physically or emotionally.

Since I’m a) not a trans woman and b) have not been able to follow how everything that’s been said by everyone in this discussion, I don’t really feel comfortable answering that question beyond saying that as an amab nonbinary person I would have no problem with, say, eating dinner with Ophelia. It’s also important to recognize that physical safety means more than “this person won’t directly attack me.” There are indirect forms of attack, primarily political in nature, that were actually initiated by cis feminists (a lot of the requirements for medical transition were first promulgated by cis radical feminists).

To my knowledge, Ophelia doesn’t support political violence against trans women, but since literally everyone in a transmisogynist society (including trans women) will manifest transmisogyny at times, it wouldn’t surprise me if she unknowingly supported (or failed to oppose) some policy that physically harms trans women.

In other words, yes, Leum does think I’m dangerous to trans women.


  1. latsot says

    It doesn’t need dissecting, does it? It’s a slope constructed and well slimed to make it easy for people who aren’t looking where they’re going to slip on down to the astounding conclusion.

    It reminds me quite a lot of the sort of things Peter Hitchens writes. Those things, that is, that I’ve managed to read without biting clean through my keyboard in apoplexy.

  2. John Morales says

    From the OP,

    In other words, yes, Leum does think I’m dangerous to trans women.

    Well, yes… but Leum claims to think that because “literally everyone in a transmisogynist society (including trans women) will manifest transmisogyny at times”.

  3. latsot says

    Well, yes… but Leum claims to think that because “literally everyone in a transmisogynist society (including trans women) will manifest transmisogyny at times”.

    Yes… but Leum seems only to say that to slither into an insinuation. It’s the sort of apparently bland prose that’s fairly obviously riddled with aggression.

  4. John Morales says

    Latsot, I agree that there is an insinuation there: specifically, that Ophelia has engaged in an indirect form of attack, primarily political in nature, because she is a cis feminist.

    As I see it, the narrative is that Ophelia should explicitly support transfeminism but she only supports feminism (AKA cis feminism), and thus she supports transphobia.

  5. screechymonkey says

    Funny how I keep hearing that “TERFs are dangerous. TERFs believe in outing people. The mere suspicion that someone who has a blog on the same network as another blog I read is a TERF is so devastating and scary that I’m losing sleep, taking extra medication, etc.”

    And yet the same folks keep coming by to poke Ophelia. It’s almost like they don’t believe their own accusations. It’s almost like it’s easier to talk tough about someone who you know damn well doesn’t consider you a mortal enemy than someone who actually wishes you harm.

  6. Pierce R. Butler says

    There are indirect forms of attack, primarily political in nature, that were actually initiated by cis feminists (a lot of the requirements for medical transition were first promulgated by cis radical feminists)

    Izzatso? Name names or it didn’t happen.

    Also, indirect forms of attack all go way back – but then again, so do cis feminists. (Tangent: I recently read Joyce Tildesley’s Hatchepsut: The Female Pharaoh of ~1500 BCE – she ran a tight palace/temple complex/civilization in the face of the world’s longest-lasting patriarchy for >20 years with very little family bloodshed by local standards, but, alas, I doubt her ideological framework would pass Leum’s stringent standards for True Trans-cis Feminism™.)

    … it wouldn’t surprise me if she unknowingly supported (or failed to oppose) some policy that physically harms trans women.

    Hell yeah – Benson’s paid taxes to the US government, which spent them on wars (and subsidies for tobacco, sugar, banks, coal, nukes, weapons exports, and suchlike threats to modern civilization – including transpeople). So have many others in the notorious FTB Gang – and some of their readers have contributed even more to the mayhem, and will do so again if not stopped.

    And all those policies our esteemed host has unknowingly failed to oppose over her lifetime – ye gawds, who among us has enough bandwidth to tally them up?

    … Leum does think I’m dangerous to trans women.

    Leum apparently thinks we’re all dangerous to trans women, and probably to quite a few others. No doubt. Hatchepsut was quite dangerous when she felt like it. Call it a war of all against all, a bad neighborhood stretching all around the globe, people failing to support policies never heard of everywhere you go. Only the bravest dare eat lunch with a stranger – at least one who hasn’t passed Leum’s thorough vetting!

    “Indirect forms of attack” for crysake. Leum, honey, you shouldn’t tip your hand like that so early in the game.

  7. says

    There are indirect forms of attack, primarily political in nature, that were actually initiated by cis feminists (a lot of the requirements for medical transition were first promulgated by cis radical feminists).

    Holy crap total ahistorical messup, Batman. Radical feminists have NEVER had any say in the requirements for medical transition. That came fully and completely from the medica;l establishment, which back in the day were a) mostly men and b) mostly anti-feminist and at best liberal feminist.

  8. Freodin says

    I found that there are just so many people out there who adhere to the position: “If you don’t 100% agree with me – even if I think that you don’t 100% agree with me – then you must be the enemy. My enemy and the enemy of all that I support.”

    Sadly, this approach seems to be as widespread among “Social Justice Warriours” as it is with religious fundamentalists.

  9. johnthedrunkard says

    And of course, Ophelia is guilty of being cis-gendered and white, therefore a monster of Privilege, and personally guilty of everything from the Jurassic extinction to the Lindbergh kidnapping.

    And this is where ‘progressives’ put their energy and effort. This idiotic policing is what gives Faux News tropes about ‘PC’-dom gain any traction. There’s almost nothing left for satire.

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