All the nays

Thursday I posted a partial list of the writers who protest the courage award to Charlie Hebdo; via Glenn Greenwald here is the full list:

Chris Abani

Leslie Absher

Elizabeth Adams

Gabeba Baderoon

Deborah Baker

Russell Banks

Susan Bell

Naomi Benaron

Helen Benedict

Cara Benson

Charles Ramírez Berg

Susan Bernofsky

Eric Bogosian

Donald Breckenridge

Ami Sands Brodoff

Karen Brown Brooks

Janet Burroway

Helene Cardona

Peter Carey

Bryn Chancellor

Carmela Ciuraru

Patricia Clark

Tony Cohan

Teju Cole

Michael Cunningham

Emily M. Danforth

Tod Davies

Siddhartha Deb

Junot Díaz

Erin Edmison

Brent Hayes Edwards

Brian T. Edwards

Deborah Eisenberg

Hedi El Kholti

Trey Ellis

Eve Ensler

Elizabeth Enslin

Barbara Epler

Jennifer Cody Epstein

Ali Eteraz

Percival Everett

Marlon L. Fick

Boris Fishman

Stona Fitch

Peter H. Fogtdal

Seánan Forbes

Ashley Ford

Linda Nemec Foster

Lauren Francis-Sharma

Ru Freeman

Nell Freudenberger

Molly Friedrich

Joshua Furst

Gretchen Gerzina

Keith Gessen

Francisco Goldman

Conner Habib

Jessica Hagedorn

Kathryn Harrison

Jonathan T. Hine Jr.

Edward Hoagland

Laura Hoffmann

Nancy Horan

Marya Hornbacher

Sandra Hunter

Megan Hustad

Randa Jarrar

T. Geronimo Johnson

John Keahey

Uzma Aslam Khan

Dave King

Gilbert King

Robert Spencer Knotts

Ruth Ellen Kocher

Nancy Kricorian

Amitava Kumar

Rachel Kushner

Amy Lawless

Zachary Lazar

Jonathan Lee

Katherine Leiner

Ted Lewin

Ed Lin

Michael Lindgren

Julie Livingston

Craig Lucas

Ann Malaspina

Charlotte Mandell

C. M. Mayo

Patrick McGrath

Clarissa McNair

Deena Metzger

Thais Miller

Kyle Minor

Rick Moody

Skye Moody

Lorrie Moore

Dolan Morgan

James McGrath Morris

Idra Novey

Stephen O’Connor

Joyce Carol Oates

Peter Orner

Michael Ondaatje

Raj Patel

Chris Pavone

Francine Prose

Marcus Rediker

Adam Rex

Clay Risen

Roxana Robinson

David Roediger

Paul Rome

Mark Rotella

Gina Ruiz

Steven Schroeder

Sarah Schulman

Taiye Selasi

Danzy Senna

Kamila Shamsie

Jeff Sharlet

Wallace Shawn

Matthew Shenoda

Nancy Shiffrin

Russell Shorto

Charles Simic

Tom Sleigh

Holly Goldberg Sloan

Alexis M. Smith

Jill Smolowe

Linda Spalding

Scott Spencer

Emily Gray Tedrowe

Roy A. Teel Jr.

Michael Thomas

Ted Thompson

Kathleen Tolan

Joanne Turnbull

Chase Twichell

Padma Venkatraman

Jasmine Dreame Wagner

Eliot Weinberger

Jon Wiener

G. K. Wuori

Dave Zirin


  1. Lady Mondegreen says

    Very disappointed in Sharlet.

    Don’t see Rebecca Solnit’s name there. Maybe she got some sense talked into her?

  2. Pierce R. Butler says

    A mere 145 now – the banquet boycotters may not take over the planet after all…

  3. DukeOfOmnium says

    Very disappointed in Wallace Shawn. I may never be able to say “Inconceivable!” again.

  4. Lady Mondegreen says

    Good lord. I just read (on Wikipedia) selections from Eisenberg’s exchange with Suzanne Nossel. They’re appalling.

    [she said the Charlie Hebdo journalists and cartoonists]…expended their courage, and ten of them lost their lives, in what was essentially a parochial, irrelevant, misconceived, misdirected, relatively trivial, and more or less obsolete campaign against clericalism.

    As Eisenberg put it in her original letter, the Charlie Hebdo award appears to be “an opportunistic exploitation of the horrible murders in Paris to justify and glorify offensive material expressing anti-Islamic and nationalistic sentiments already widely shared in the Western world.”

    Taking a stand based on such staggering ignorance is immoral.

  5. Pierce R. Butler says

    James Wolcott takes a pox-on-both-their-houses stance.

    His quotation from Eisenberg reveals even more of her clue-phobia:

    What about the racist chapters of SAE and other fraternities right here in our own country? I would say that they meet the criteria.

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