June 11-15, 2015

CFI has announced its next big (CFI-CSI mashup) conference next June.

Critical thinking is not an end in itself. It is a means to effect positive change, to transform our world for the better. At “Reason for Change,” the Center for Inquiry’s 2015 international conference, we’ll bring the skeptic and humanist communities together to do just that.

Important point. Critical thinking can feel like an end in itself, at least for awhile, because it’s interesting. But in reality? It’s not, just as atheism is not.

And we’ll do it in a place that many consider to be “home” to the skeptic and humanist movements: Western New York and CFI’s headquarters in Buffalo. Fittingly, 2015 will be the 35th anniversary of Free Inquiry and the 39th anniversary (last party before 40!) of Skeptical Inquirer, the two foundational publications that helped start it all.

This conference will be truly special. It will be both a celebration of our accomplishments and a robust examination of the challenges we still face. It will be an invaluable opportunity to connect and collaborate with thinkers, activists, researchers, and other luminaries from around the world.

I’ll be there, so if you’re there too, let’s schmooze.



  1. daffodil says

    Buffalo? Yay! I may make this one. It’s only a six hour drive. There need to be more conferences in the Northeast.

  2. Krishna says

    “Critical thinking can feel like an end in itself, at least for awhile, because it’s interesting. But in reality? It’s not”.

    It seems this is true for any interesting thing.

  3. Dave Ricks says

    I should mention, it’s my understanding that because of the resources going toward this big conference (June 2015), CFI will not have a Women in Secularism 2015.

    I heard this from Debbie Goddard and Jim Underdown when I visited CFI-LA a few weeks ago (to see A Woman’s Room Online) and Debbie was visiting CFI-LA for the Moving Social Justice conference.

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