At Conway Hall on Monday

This happened on Monday:

Talks & Lectures

Witchcraft belief: Murder and Misogyny in the 21st Century

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 19:00

London Black Atheists, Central London Humanist Group and the Nigerian human rights activist, Mr Leo Igwe present

Witchcraft belief: Murder and Misogyny in the 21st Century

Nigerian human rights activist Leo Igwe explores the toxic mix of religion, superstition, misogyny, cruelty, mental instability and sheer greed that are factors in the accusation of mainly women and children of witchcraft and offers solutions on combating this modern day scourge of the world.

London Black Atheists, Central London Humanist Group and the Nigerian human rights activist, Mr Leo Igwe, a renowned campaigner against witchcraft accusations and winner of the National Secular Society’s Special Achievement Award in 2013, are holding an event exploring the harmful effects on individuals and society, of belief in witchcraft.

Witchcraft belief is rampant in many countries of the world leading to violent assaults on, and sometimes the deaths of, women, girls and boys, including the murders of 15 year old Kristy Bamu and 8 year old Victoria Climbie, which were widely reported in the British press.  Can enlightenment combat the malign effects of witchcraft belief in black and minority ethnic communities worldwide?  Following his acclaimed presentation in 2013 to London Black Atheists, “Breaking the Taboo of Atheism in Black Communities”, Leo Igwe reveals a startling analysis of Witchcraft belief and the imperative of enlightenment.  The talk is followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with the audience.

The panel, moderated by Bob Churchill of IHEU, consists of:

Leo Igwe –Human Rights activist

James Ibor – Executive Secretary, Basic Rights Counsel Initiative

Justin Bahunga – AFRUCA

Yemisi Ilesanmi – Feminist blogger

My memory bank wasn’t organized enough to prod me to post about this before it happened, so as to alert people who read this and are within reach of Conway Hall.

[pause to kick self]

Here are Yemi and Leo:

Friends, colleagues, comrades!

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