Gandhi! That’s Gandhi!

Yet more reason to loathe Penn Jillette.

Penn Jillette says that people are “burying the lede” in the alleged incident that led to SiriusXM’s decision to fire “Opie and Anthony” host Anthony Cumia. He also argued that he’s never seen any evidence that suggests Cumia is racist as many of his critics have alleged.

“We are burying the lede of this story, which is that Anthony, who has a reputation for being a bit of a hot head, is carrying, comes up gets hit in the face and does not hurt the person back,” Jillette said during his “Penn’s Sunday School” podcast this weekend.

“That is incredible. If I am in the position where I cross somebody who is carrying a gun and who can defend themselves and hurt me, and their choice is to write angry stuff on Twitter instead of fighting me back — wonderful. Gandhi! That’s Gandhi! … That is Martin Luther King,” he continued.

It is? Just refraining from killing people when you’re pissed off is Gandhi and Martin Luther King? I don’t think so; I think it takes more than that. 

Cumia was fired last week over racially-charged tweets he wrote after an incident where a black woman allegedly punched him several times after she ended up in a photo snapped by the radio host. He claims he was carrying a firearm at the time of the alleged assault but exercised restraint. So far, we only have one side of the story — Cumia’s.

In a “livid” state after the incident, Cumia took to Twitter and called the woman a “cunt” and a “savage.” He also alleged there is a serious violence problem within the black community. He later deleted the controversial tweets and explained on Monday that they “were being picked apart & used, out of ANY context, to fuck me over.”

But he’s Gandhi Luther King, because he didn’t shoot anyone that we know of.

PZ gives some samples of Cumia’s Gandhi Luther Kingness:

Savage violent animal fucks prey on white people. Easy targets. This CUNT has no clue how lucky she was. She belted me 10 times. I had a gun

No,an ANIMAL BITCH used it’s instinctual violence on me. I restrained myself from putting it to sleep

It’s a jungle out in our cities after midnight. Violent savages own the streets. They all came 2 defend this pig. I had to yell like at dogs

Yup that’s Penn Jillette’s Gandhi Luther King guy. Free market booya.


  1. Seth says

    I wouldn’t take comparison with a radical Hindu misogynistic nationalist who was willing to use Japan’s violence to his own ends while wiping his hands and claiming piety as a compliment, myself.

  2. Pen says

    The ‘lede’ is that gun violence is so normalized in the US that Penn Gilette thinks we should actually applaud a guy for *only* unloading a torrent of racist abuse when he gets in an argument. It’s a race to the bottom.

  3. RJW says

    Perhaps the opinionated Jillette should shut up and Teller should do the talking.

  4. Al Dente says

    Okay, Jillette, we already know you’re an asshole. You don’t have to keep proving it over and over again.

  5. leskimopie says

    So, its a such a great act of restraint to keep from taking the gun out when in any argument or confrontation as to be in itself act of a saint…which would imply its also the rarer and harder choice that the average person might not be able to make. So this Penn fellow must be quite against the average person being able to easily acquire such tempting pieces of weaponry?

  6. StevoR : Free West Papua, free Tibet, let the Chagossians return! says

    No,an ANIMAL BITCH used it’s instinctual violence on me.

    Instinctual violence? Projection much Cumia?

    Also ‘bitch’ by definition is animal.

    I restrained myself from putting it to sleep .

    is that a death threat? Implying Cumia has the right or would have been justified in murdering this woman? Whow. Just wow.

  7. newenlightenment says

    I’d take the same line on Gillette as I would with Pat Condell. If he were assassinated it would be a very bad thing, because it would make a martyr of him.There is no other reason for not wanting him dead, none whatsoever.

  8. Decker says

    I’d take the same line on Gillette as I would with Pat Condell. If he were assassinated it would be a very bad thing, because it would make a martyr of him.There is no other reason for not wanting him dead, none whatsoever.

    Your pro-pos are just as bad as Anthony Cumia’s.

    To refer to yourself as “newenlightenment” constitutes lexicon terrorism.


  9. John Horstman says

    @Decker #10: And being intolerant of intolerance is just as bad as being intolerant of e.g. people with darker skin, right?

    Thinking the world would be far better with someone dead is very different than suggesting that a person undertaking an action to kill them would be good. This is why some people think eliminating disease would be a good idea, but that killing a child to do so would not be an acceptable course of action.

  10. Decker says

    @Decker #10: And being intolerant of intolerance is just as bad as being intolerant of e.g. people with darker skin, right?

    I haven’t a fucking clue what you’re talking about.

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