No minors or pregnant women

Wait wait, before you buy tickets for Braco in New York, I missed something I should have warned you about.


Please note for ALL GAZING EVENTS: Must be 18 years of age or over to attend and pregnant women are not allowed to attend after their third month of pregnancy due to the intensity of the experience for some. People with illnesses are advised to follow the recommendation of their doctor before and after attending a gazing session.

It is recommended to bring a photo of your child or a person needing help who cannot attend, as this method has been proven to be equally effective and the most balanced way for some to receive help who cannot attend.

Pregnant women might find themselves giving birth to an angel, or Gandhi, or a wreath of flowers, or some other terribly embarrassing and inconvenient thing.


  1. chigau (違う) says

    I wonder if digital images work or if it needs to be one of those old-fashioned chemical photos.

  2. Al Dente says

    But what if the picture is of a minor or pregnant woman in the second or third trimester? Is a picture of a pregnant minor twice as bad?

  3. Shatterface says

    Maybe the Republicans are right and the Gaze shouldn’t be allowed to marry

    Please note for ALL GAZING EVENTS: Must be 18 years of age or over to attend and pregnant women are not allowed to attend after their third month of pregnancy due to the intensity of the experience for some. People with illnesses are advised to follow the recommendation of their doctor before and after attending a gazing session.
    It is recommended to bring a photo of your child or a person needing help who cannot attend, as this method has been proven to be equally effective and the most balanced way for some to receive help who cannot attend.

    Sounds remarkably like the promotional material for an old fashioned travelling freak show or a William Castle movie from the Sixties.

  4. Menyambal says

    Gad, there is even video. Hyping him, of course, but the one I started at least took a dig at other alternative healers. I bailed after a few seconds.

    FWIW, the name is pronounced in Serbian, as Brahtzo, or even brrahtzoh. I was thinking brayco, myself.

  5. carlie says

    Why do I have the sinking feeling that he might offer private sessions in which he tells the person that the power of his gaze is amplified if there are no clothes impeding his ability to gaze? 🙁

  6. The Great God Pan says

    According to Wikipedia: “[H]e does not call himself a healer or claim to have spiritual powers, and has not spoken to the press or in public since 2002, saying ‘it’s too big to explain.'”

    So nobody can go after him for fraud, because he is not really making any specific, testable claims about what his gaze will accomplish for you. And nobody can trip him up in an interview, because he won’t give interviews.

    This is really quite a remarkable racket he’s got going. It’s like faith-healing or spoon-bending but with even less work. No prep, no planting marks in the audience, no need to even write up a cockamamie jargon-laced explanation. He just gets on stage, looks at the audience for ten minutes, then leaves and lets their overactive imaginations take care of the rest. I’m kind of jealous that he thought of this, but then I’m not capable of pulling off that beatific, doe-eyed (or, if you’re feeling less kind, lobotomized) facial expression he’s so good at, so more power to him.

    Also, a Croatian rock star wrote a concept album about him called “Thank You Braco.”

  7. Uncle Ebeneezer says

    Also, a Croatian rock star wrote a concept album about him called “Thank You Braco.”

    Ok, that kinda makes it all worth it.

  8. Martin Cohen says

    Look into my eyes!

    Look deep into my eyes!

    Your eyes are getting heavier, and your wallet is getting lighter!

  9. Gordon Willis says

    But…but..Do the photographs feel better, or do they smile more, or what..?

  10. says

    I’m reminded of the sideshow hucksters, warning that the next “exhibit” may be too much for ladies, children, and men with delicate constitutions, and that nurses would be on hand with fainting couches and smelling salts, just in case.

  11. johnthedrunkard says

    If him ‘gazing’ at pictures is as (in)effective as gazing at those who are actually PRESENT, why isn’t looking at his real (or fake) Facebook page equally efficacious?

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