Oh the boredom of it. The pointless, stultifying, door-closing boredom of it.
taslima nasreen @taslimanasreen
New study: Ants can lift up to 5,000 times their own body weight.
Defender of Islam @doi1999
@taslimanasreen All praise to Allah. He made them that way.
Don’t think, don’t marvel, don’t wonder. Just praise a cipher, and let it go at that.
What about the virulence of disease organisms? The toxicity of poisonous plants or venomous animals? The explosive power of a volcano’s pyroclastic flow? Radioactivity? These are remarkable natural attributes and properties of the entities which posses them just as much as is the strength of an ant. Is Allah given (or even take) credit for these too?
I just read about it, and it makes me want to tear my hair out or bleach my brain. And Taslima has to face this mind-numbing idiocy day-in and day-out, and bear it all with relative equanimity.
As do you oftentimes, Ophelia. I wish I had a tenth of the strength, courage and fortitude that you and Taslima have. Respects.
I do wish this were not so. It IS a terrible burden to bear.
Allah is an ant?
What about the virulence of disease organisms? The toxicity of poisonous plants or venomous animals? The explosive power of a volcano’s pyroclastic flow? Radioactivity?
Yeah, I wonder that too
Give the man some credit. He has found a commenting strategy that minimises strain on the brain and the fingers.
That sounds like a pretty easy stock answer:
“[scientific fact]”
“All praise to Allah. He made them that way.”
Simple, easy, and totally wrong.