The real culprits

You know that thing about all the raping going on in the US military? You know whose fault that is? I’ll tell you. It’s those pesky liberals trying to “take over the military.” That’s right! They cause all those guys in uniform to trip and fall onto women and get their penises all stuck accidentally up them. It’s a liberal holocaust type of deal.

Fox News contributor Allen West agreed with radio host Michael Savage’s assertion that “Khmer Rouge feminists” are attempting a “coup” against the military by proposing to change the military chain of command in sexual assault cases. West also used the sexual assault issue to criticize liberals for wanting to “put women into combat arms units” “so they can meet some sort of socially engineering goal or egalitarian goal.”

Savage, who hosts Cumulus Media Networks’ Savage Nation, began the June 4 segment by playing audio of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) talking about changing the military chain of command in sexual assault cases. After saying Gillibrand “sounds like a college chick at a dorm,” Savage told guest West: “When I watch these Khmer Rouge feminists try to take over the military, this looked like an attempted coup to me, Colonel West.”

A college chick in a dorm? Really? That grown up? Sure she didn’t sound like a whiney little girl who can’t throw? Let’s be thorough about this.

The former Republican congressman also linked military sexual assaults to putting women in combat.

West stated: “But then ask yourself, now why would you want to put women into combat arms units, and the infantry units, and fighting units … Unfortunately, there are some that believe G.I. Jane is not just a movie, it’s something that could actually be implemented. And there may be exceptions to the rule, but you should not make a change in the standards, which I think is what you’ve heard General Martin Dempsey talk about doing just so they can meet some sort of socially engineering goal or egalitarian goal of the left, liberal progressives.”

That’s right. Egalitarianism is just a euphemism for rape, and rape is what women deserve if they go into the military. Col. West is a credit to the service.


  1. says

    i admit to being amused at “khmer rouge feminist”. because at this point, there’s nothing left but being amused at the constant need to connect feminism with nazis, stalinists/maoists, and assorted other totalitarian regimes.

  2. says

    West stated: “But then ask yourself, now why would you want to put women into combat arms units, and the infantry units, and fighting units …

    I’m betting West has his chairborne ranger flash taped proudly on the back of his Aeron chair.

  3. says

    We should be keeping a list. We’ve got North Korea; we’ve got the Khmer Rouge; we’ve got the Taliban; what’s missing? There’s the Interahamwe…has anybody called us that yet?

  4. Rob says

    What exactly the fuck is a Khmer Rouge Feminist anyway? One that commits mass murder? Should fit right into teh military surely…

  5. karmacat says

    Of course they leave out rapes of civilian women because that would not fit their beliefs about women in the military. Sigh. Those guys would probably blame civilian women, chastising women for just walking around and not bothering anyone

  6. says

    Oh I didn’t forget the Femistasi and Feminazi ones. I just took those for granted and mentioned the more recent and outré ones.

    I’m still very proud that it was in an article lambasting me that Michael Shermer called us Nazis AND McCarthyite AND inquisitors AND witch-hunters.

  7. Anthony K says

    I’m still very proud that it was in an article lambasting me that Michael Shermer called us Nazis AND McCarthyite AND inquisitors AND witch-hunters.


    Unfortunately, there are some that believe G.I. Jane is not just a movie, it’s something that could actually be implemented.

    …does sound a lot like “More of a guy thing.”

  8. Martha says

    My favorite part of the linked article? West’s title as a *former* representative. What a wingnut.

  9. sailor1031 says

    Is it possible that Herr West may be mistaken about tis – as he “may have been mistaken” about Yahya Jhodri Hamoodi back in 2004 Iraq? And WTF is this “Colonel” shit? Let’s get it right – It’s FORMER Lieutenant-Colonel West. Only old southern white guys get to be called “colonel”…..any fule kno that!

  10. kevinalexander says

    It is a plot to destroy merica’s fighting forces. Think about it. A unit goes into combat, chewing on cigars and hurling epithets and grenades and looking for an enemy woman to accidentally fall on..etc.. But sees someone in his own unit and gets distracted and accidentally…etc…
    I mean, in heat of the moment he might not be able to tell the difference between enemy and friendly and…
    No, that won’t work. They’re all women so they’re all enemy.
    Never mind.

  11. Guess Who? says

    But, but, but…the Israel that the right-wingers love so much has women in combat roles.

  12. llewelly says

    “… so they can meet some sort of socially engineering goal or egalitarian goal …”

    Did he just say that having egalitarian goals causes rape?

    Shows how vile their beliefs are.

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