I need feminism because it took my sweetheart of six years about five years to understand that his expectation that any woman he ends up married to is going to cook for him, and not vice versa, was totally sexist.
Scr... Archivistsays
It would be nice if that site’s comment-voting worked right.
But my 3 favorites are still from the set Ophelia linked.
Great picture to select, and something that I wish more people would admit – it’s easy to ignore flaws in the system when they work in your favor. All said, a great line of comments.
That is a great public awareness campaign. I would add my own “I need feminism” but the linked picture already says what I want to say.
I need feminism because a dialog with less than half of humanity is less than half adequate.
Dave Rickssays
I need to refresh because some new pics might be my new favorites.
You can be aware of the problems women face in society, and be supportive of women’s rights, without having to be forced to declare yourself a feminist. I feel sorry for this man.
Rodney Nelsonsays
What is your definition of feminist? My definition is “someone who thinks women should be treated as human beings.” Are you saying that women should not be so treated?
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
I need feminism because I want to live in a better society.
I need feminism because I made the mistake of reading the comments in that article (one of which came from a hyper-skeptic, joy of joys).
I need feminism so that my daughter can grow up to be evaluated on the basis of her character and her mind, not by the way she fills out a sweater.
I need feminism because it took my sweetheart of six years about five years to understand that his expectation that any woman he ends up married to is going to cook for him, and not vice versa, was totally sexist.
It would be nice if that site’s comment-voting worked right.
More pics here.
But my 3 favorites are still from the set Ophelia linked.
Great picture to select, and something that I wish more people would admit – it’s easy to ignore flaws in the system when they work in your favor. All said, a great line of comments.
I need feminism because without it I wouldn’t know any better.
That is a great public awareness campaign. I would add my own “I need feminism” but the linked picture already says what I want to say.
I need feminism because a dialog with less than half of humanity is less than half adequate.
I need to refresh because some new pics might be my new favorites.
You can be aware of the problems women face in society, and be supportive of women’s rights, without having to be forced to declare yourself a feminist. I feel sorry for this man.
What is your definition of feminist? My definition is “someone who thinks women should be treated as human beings.” Are you saying that women should not be so treated?