There are demonstrations all over Ireland right now, to protest the horrible needless cruel death of Savita Halappanavar. Jen Keane (@zenbuffy) is there. People are estimating the one outside the Dail at 2 or 3 thousand, on only five hours notice.
A selection of tweets.
Ruairí McKenna
@ruairimckJust back from
#actiononx protest at Dail. Hope politicians are listening. NEVER
@thejournal_ieOrganisers says over 2,000 people have attended a sit-down protest for
#Savita outside Leinster House Newman
#Savita refused abortion due to doctor’s religious bias. The first thing we learn in med school: religion plays no part in medical decisionsCiarán J. Martin
@CiaranJMartin2000-3000 believed to be gathered outside the Dáil now, hear the people speak
#Savitamark wright
@boucherhayes: 2000 – 3000 at#Savita protest now. All Kildare St traffic stopped.Jen
@JenClonePictures from the
#Savita vigil in Ireland are making me cry actual tears. She had a heartbeat too.Noel Dolan
#Cork: Quite a large crowd has already gathered for#Savita outside the Opera House. for SME
@Malcolm_OakleyIreland and Poland both have total disregard for woman – …
Arguments from legality, principle, and (I suspect) evidence all favour pro-choice activists – at least in my admittedly limited experience.
But just those won’t do the trick to change societies. You need to have more than just facts & logic, you need to rouse people’s passions & emotions.
This might be just the thing to make big changes in Ireland.
Which is a crying shame, because if people just listened to facts & logic, legality, principle & evidence, Savita Halappanavar would be alive right now.
I am pleased to say that my cousin is even now protesting outside the irish embassy in London. Wish I lived closer to DC….
I hope, at the very least, this doctor or doctors responsible lose their jobs. Being brought up on negligent homicide, or equivalent, would be better.
Oh, I hope they can make a difference. Does anybody know an address to write to? It seems it’s the least I can do for poor Savita.
I wonder if her religion or the colour of her skin made any difference to the doctor’s attitude?
Will there be any protests this weekend at the Irish Embassy here in DC. Please let me know, I’d LOVE to show up!
What an utter waste of a life.
Hoekom yes I think so – certainly more demos are planned for Ireland on Saturday. If you’re on Twitter try just asking with the hashtag #Savita.
sheila same for you – try asking on the hashtag. This is one thing social media can be very useful for.
sheila @5:
Well, Savita was Hindu and was told that she’s in Catholic country, so at the very least, her belief system and desires were ignored in favor of Catholic teachings.
It’s good to see that this was not just another largely ignored tragedy.
Ophelia: Nearly all the links in your post have been borked by WordPress. Sorry.
Oh, most of those aren’t real links, in my view. They’re Twitter hashtags; one wouldn’t expect them to work outside Twitter…would one? I wouldn’t anyway.
If you wish to email politicians directly, you can do so from here:
The more political pressure, the better.