If you’re in Seattle, this weekend is packed with a lot of fun, nerdy, godless, feministy things for you to enjoy.
On Friday the 10th I’ll be joining the Seattle Atheists to see my friend Rebecca Watson give a talk on “How Girls Evolved to Shop, and Other Ways to Insult Women with “Science.”” Tickets are $15 but include dinner. I’ll be trying to convince everyone to go get drinks at the Narwhal afterward, because what can beat fruity drinks in a carnival themed bar filled with pinball and arcade games? Did I mention it was called the Narwhal?
On Saturday and Sunday I’ll be at GeekGirlCon! Here are the two panels I’ll be on with other fabulous ladies:
Saturday, 4:30 PM – 5:20 PM
Misogyny Online – RM205
Moderated Roundtable DiscussionWomen who speak out online are often the targets of very nasty misogyny. Harmful, threatening, and degrading comments are all too common when a woman posts opinions in social media outlets or even on their own blogs. This panel will discuss how it happens, why it happens, and how to deal with it. An essential panel for women who have or want a strong Internet presence.
Presented by Jen McCreight, Rebecca Watson, Amy Davis Roth, Sophie Hirschfeld
Sunday, 3:30 PM – 4:20 PM *
Women and Skepticism – RM303
Moderated Roundtable DiscussionWhat is real and what isn’t? A panel of renowned skeptics will analyze some of the current claims marketed to or directed specifically at women. From psychics to super-antioxidant juices, this panel will show you how you can use the tools of skepticism to protect yourself, your family, and the contents of your wallet from pseudoscience and scams.
Presented by Rebecca Watson, Amanda Marcotte, Desiree Schell, Ericka Johnson, Jennifer McCreight, Cloe Ashton
I’m sure I’ll have absolutely nothing to talk about on that first panel after my last couple of posts.
Will I be seeing any of you there? Make sure to say hello if you spot me!
Does it bacon?
(Hur hur hur)
Yes, at midnight
I thought about attending GeekGirlCon, but I was lazy about figuring out if it was okay for dudes to go, and then I just ended up making other plans.
I’m not very good at schedules.
Yes, I’ll be at GeekGirlCon! (I won’t be at the Friday event because I didn’t know about it and I rescheduled all of my normal weekend responsibilities to Friday.)
I think I’m going to both of those panels, too. I’ll be sure to say hi if it doesn’t involve intruding on a pre-existing conversation with multiple people that you obviously already know!
ARGH. So sad that GeekGirlCon conflicted with an event I can’t get out of, otherwise I’d so be there. The panels this year sound amazing. Fingers crossed for next year!
Being raised by a single mother I have a very low tolerance for misogyny. I wish I could attend but while Washington is much closer to CA than say Indiana, it’s still too far away for me to travel. Will there be a podcast or something?
This is going to be awesome! The Narwhal sounds great, I’ve been meaning to go see it anyway. I only regret that i’m going to be full of pizza so won’t have the chance to eat a corndog. :)
I am really excited for the GeekGirlCon panels, too. I love this city!
I might have tried to get my wife to come to this, but we’re gonna be down in Kent all weekend watching motorcycle racing.
Looking forward to seeing you Saturday afternoon! And yea, what can you say after the last few days.
Why did I move away from the West Coast? Look what I am going to miss out on… Promise you will have a contest to find out which fruity drink comes with the silliest presentation. I love the ones that are so big they threaten to fall over due to a quarter watermelon/mango/whatever on top. Have fun!