I appreciate this much more after having lived in Seattle for a couple of months:The only reason I don’t like hipsters is because they screw up my gaydar. Seriously, I might as well flip a coin. Especially in Capitol Hill.
Check out the rest here. I wish the whole Bible was translated this way!
(Via Godless Girl)
that’s something i actually really like about emo/hipster culture. nobody cares about sexual “orientation” and to many of them sex is just sex and when it feels good it doesn’t matter what kind of partner they have. i’ll be really happy when the day comes when no one needs “gaydar” because no one thinks sexual orientation is a matter to question or judge. love the link, thx.
My gaydar has never functioned properly, so I’ve disabled it.
oooh, and it’s a red letter bible, too :-)I like hipsters; I find it however very unfortunate that, like punk in the early 80’s, there seems to be more poser hipsters than real hipsters (hint: eating with chopsticks at the all-you-can-eat fake-chinese buffet makes you a poser hipster) :-p
Not quite the same, but funny: http://www.thebricktestament.c…
Hilarious Jen, thanks for posting this!
Re: hipster interference with gaydar, it could be worse. You could be living in Portland.
I totally forgot about that! I’m going to add it to my post as well :D
The verse numbers and the red letter text make this.
Oh you’ve come across this one, surely? OH HAI!
This is as good a place as any to ask: what is it with those red cups!?!?!? Every time there’s alcohol in an American movie or TV show, there they are. Is red the only colour you can get cups in? Whatever happened to clear ones?
I’ve been wondering this as well. In the UK, most plastic cups are either white or clear(ish) and colourless. Paper ones are usually white or something subdued, unless it’s a party-themed pattern for a regular holiday or kids party. But according to TV, in the US, all plastic cups (particularly as used by students) are red…
Solo (http://www.solocup.com/) is the company that makes the cups; on their consumer product side of things, they show a yellow cup. I remember as a kid there being available green and blue cups as well. I rarely see anything but red anymore, though. I’m not sure why…?
I’m not entirely sure what a “hipster” even is.
…though this part sounds appealing. :3
Nor am I; I just figured it was an American thing. My other half has heard of them from Americans she knows online, but the best we can figure out is that they are some sort of variation of emos.
The “hipster” thing is somewhat complicated to explain, but it’s basically a subculture of people whose artistic and clothing tastes tend to be off the beaten path in a bohemian, broke-ass sort of way. They’ve been around since at least the 1920s, though I doubt your average modern hipster bears much resemblance to their Jazz-era forebears. If you’ve ever seen the XKCD strip about the ball pit, that sort of sums up the mentality.
While I prefer to see the beer I’m drinking, at a party, a solid-color cup does have the advantage of keeping beer from getting sunstruck, although at the sorts of parties where everyone’s drinking out of Solo cups, sunstruck beer isn’t necessarily going to be a problem. I don’t think there’s really any special reason for it though — I think it’s one of those things like Altoids or Sharpies that became an icon just by virtue of being slightly more prominent than the competition.
I dislike hipsters for some obscure reason, you’ve probably never heard of it.
People with database problems?
Time to get you speaking “Seattle”:ON Capitol Hill.(not that you’ve said these, but preemptively) “405”, not “the 405″. (Don’t get mistaken for a Californian.)”eye-five (I-5)”, not “five”.”soda” not “pop”.”subs”, not grinders or hoagies. “A sandwich” is even better.
Go to Pandagon.net for an exhaustive (and exhausting) discussion about hipsters.
With clear or white, you can see what’s inside. In undergrad-land, it’s safer to use opaque cups in order to hide that you’re drinking beer instead of water at your dorm / house party. And they just seem to sell the red ones everywhere – you can get clear, but they also tend to be smaller. We American underage drinkers require LARGE opaque cups.
The clear ones are usually smaller. In all my years of retail experience, red & blue have been the only cups I’ve sold that size. Clear are usually 8 oz. but who wants 8 oz. of booze when you can go for 12!?