Both Pharyngula and Friendly Atheist have already commented on this lovely new study: Professor Robert Putnam from Harvard has found that the number of young people who have no religious affiliation has skyrocketed to 30% – 40%. Now, these aren’t all necessarily atheists, but one can hope this is the first step for many of them to go down the slippery slope of Heathendom.
When I was about ten years old I confidently told my father that by the time I was 40, no one would go to church anymore. He looked at me shocked (especially since I didn’t know what church was actually for, or who Jesus/God were at the time).
“Why do you think that?” he asked. I told him everyone my age always complains about how much they hate going, so why would they keep doing it when they grow up? He chuckled at me, thinking this was a ridiculous idea, even though he himself was not religious. “We’ll see,” he said sarcastically.
Maybe in 19 years people will still be going to church, but I still consider this trend a victory. Take that, dad!
I also consider this a success for the atheist dating market, though I don’t have to worry about that too much as an atheist chick. Though the odds are good, the goods are odd… or to quote Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, “The male to female ratio, yeah? I mean you have your veritable pick of the litter. You can choose from all kinds of guys who have no idea how to please you.” (Just kidding, male readers! I <3 all of you, and I'm sure us uninhibited atheists win when it comes to being kinky in the sack)
I suppose with a ratio like you have, you can afford to make fun of a few atheist guys and still have plenty to choose from ;-)
I suppose with a ratio like you have, you can afford to make fun of a few atheist guys and still have plenty to choose from ;-)
Yes, yes I can. Maybe I just want to weed out the ones who can’t stand up to the challenge ;P
Yes, yes I can. Maybe I just want to weed out the ones who can’t stand up to the challenge ;P
I saw some of the comparisons of atheist numbers among different cultural background and races, but I don’t recall any comparison studies based on gender. My entirely unscientific personal experience leads me to believe that the ratios aren’t as off as you seem to imply. Might be an interesting study.
Though my “entirely unscientific personal experience” does agree with your uninhibited kinkiness assessment. :-P
I saw some of the comparisons of atheist numbers among different cultural background and races, but I don’t recall any comparison studies based on gender. My entirely unscientific personal experience leads me to believe that the ratios aren’t as off as you seem to imply. Might be an interesting study.Though my “entirely unscientific personal experience” does agree with your uninhibited kinkiness assessment. :-P
I already have my atheist chic and I am not letting her go.
We can only hope your prediction will come true, but just in case I plan to continue to help the trend by pointing out the stupidity of religion.
I already have my atheist chic and I am not letting her go.We can only hope your prediction will come true, but just in case I plan to continue to help the trend by pointing out the stupidity of religion.
I think us atheist men should dodge the ratio by seducing religious women and using our sexual prowess to lure them away from god. ;-)
I think us atheist men should dodge the ratio by seducing religious women and using our sexual prowess to lure them away from god. ;-)
Ugh. Don’t even mention that. it reminds me of Missionary Dating. Which is the most terrible thing ever without actually involving violence.
Ugh. Don’t even mention that. it reminds me of Missionary Dating. Which is the most terrible thing ever without actually involving violence.
!!! I’d never heard of missionary dating. I just googled it — are those people serious? I mean, I was joking, but, wow.
!!! I’d never heard of missionary dating. I just googled it — are those people serious? I mean, I was joking, but, wow.
Oh yes. They’re serious. I’ve run into a few, because I’ve got a pal who used to be in the Baptist Student Ministry around here. It’s something special.
Oh yes. They’re serious. I’ve run into a few, because I’ve got a pal who used to be in the Baptist Student Ministry around here. It’s something special.
Well, there is kind of an amusing appeal to the notion of interfaith dating as a kind of Machiavellian chess game to see whether you can get the religious person to renounce god in the throes of sexual satisfaction before s/he can get you into a church and, I suppose, renounce that sexual satisfaction. ;-)
Well, there is kind of an amusing appeal to the notion of interfaith dating as a kind of Machiavellian chess game to see whether you can get the religious person to renounce god in the throes of sexual satisfaction before s/he can get you into a church and, I suppose, renounce that sexual satisfaction. ;-)
As a lifelong atheist, I am now severely disappointed that I have never had the chance to renounce god in the throes of sexual satisfaction. Hmm, maybe some roleplaying is in order?
As a lifelong atheist, I am now severely disappointed that I have never had the chance to renounce god in the throes of sexual satisfaction. Hmm, maybe some roleplaying is in order?
Oh, but don’t you know? Sex is the best conversion tool! What else can get unbelievers to start moaning out “Oh! Oh my god!”
Oh, but don’t you know? Sex is the best conversion tool! What else can get unbelievers to start moaning out “Oh! Oh my god!”lol
I, for one, am always up for playing “piratical libertine seducer and innocent Christian.”
I, for one, am always up for playing “piratical libertine seducer and innocent Christian.”
I’m torn between giggling coquettishly and referencing my above statement about the goods being odd ;P
I’m torn between giggling coquettishly and referencing my above statement about the goods being odd ;P
Do both! You know you like odd goods. ;-)
Do both! You know you like odd goods. ;-)
What else can get unbelievers to start moaning out “Oh! Oh my god!”I once met a young woman who at the peak of passion screamed out, "Oh — Oh — OH — OBAMA!"
I don't think I'll ever be that enthusiastic about a politician. . . .
What else can get unbelievers to start moaning out “Oh! Oh my god!”I once met a young woman who at the peak of passion screamed out, “Oh — Oh — OH — OBAMA!”I don’t think I’ll ever be that enthusiastic about a politician. . . .
I have found that simply yelling “YYYEEEESSSSS!!!!” works pretty well.
I have found that simply yelling “YYYEEEESSSSS!!!!” works pretty well.
“OH OH OH OBAMA” is better than the “OH INUYASHA!” I got one time.
I still don’t know what to think of that.
“OH OH OH OBAMA” is better than the “OH INUYASHA!” I got one time.I still don’t know what to think of that.
I love this comment thread and want to hug it.
I love this comment thread and want to hug it.
But what does this mean for us gaythiests?
But what does this mean for us gaythiests?
An honest accounting of my own life experiences would suggest that the goods are odd no matter what chromosomes they happen to carry.
An honest accounting of my own life experiences would suggest that the goods are odd no matter what chromosomes they happen to carry.
If you preface it with “If God existed I would scream out …” then its ok.
If you preface it with “If God existed I would scream out …” then its ok.