In case anyone’s interested, this month I wrote a whirlwind history of asexual communities.
Facial Expressions Do Not Reveal Emotions | Scientific American – I’m a big fan of psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett and her writing about the construction of emotional categories. Here she criticizes emotional recognition tools created by data scientists, and I’m inclined to agree. AI can, at best, identify patterns in facial muscle movement, but the correspondence between facial muscle movement and emotions is culturally mediated, because the emotional categories themselves are culturally constructed. If you use this AI to make any important decisions that impact people’s lives, there will be unacceptable disparate impact against people of different cultures, or with variant emotional expressions. Frankly, we should be striving to reduce the impact of emotional expression in job interviews and court decisions. It’s discriminatory enough when humans are the ones doing it.
Blame It on the Game | Real Life – When I was a teenager, there was a lot of fear of censorship in video games. The big thing was the Hot Coffee controversy, but there was also a lot of defensiveness of the violence in video games, which gamers would insist was unconnected to violence in the real world. Games criticism has changed a lot since back then, and gamers are more likely to play up how much games impact the real world. Gamers today aren’t wrong, but neither were they wrong back then. The research on violent video games finds “small, reliable effect of exposure to violent video games on aggressive outcomes in laboratory experiments and cross-sectional and longitudinal studies,” but that’s still pretty far from causing shootings. In this article, Katherine Cross navigates old and new discourses to talk about the real significance of video game violence.