Bi Any Means Podcast: Atheism and Asexuality with Emily Karp – I was excited to listen to this episode! I was interviewed on Bi Any Means a few years ago on the same topic, but this interview should be more up to date. As they discuss in the episode, atheist communities have become more cognizant and accepting of asexuality, but unsurprisingly, it very much depends on which communities you interact with.
Sapiosexuals: The Science of People Who Are Turned on by Brains – Rebecca Watson criticizes sapiosexuality and a recent study about it. I also have a very negative reaction to sapiosexuality, and my main association is with men in skepticism who are low-key complaining that there aren’t enough intelligent women around. On the other hand, sapiosexuality also has some connections with ace communities, and I realized that there are other angles to it–which is not to say that this eliminates my criticism of it.
I agree with Watson that the study she describes is garbage. Asking people if they’re attracted to intelligence is not useful methodology. Unfortunately, Watson’s suggested methodology of using electrodes and fMRIs is also problematic. See there’s this infamous study of bisexuality, and long story short, objective measures of attraction have issues. I propose instead that we give people a bunch of fake dating profiles and ask them who they would be interested in.