Origami: Stars

origami stars

Five- and Six-pointed Stars. Designer unknown.

Back in 2019, we had a small wedding celebration–we didn’t actually hold a wedding reception, and that’s a story that I’ve already told.  As decorations for the celebration, I made a dozen giant paper cranes (actually Tsuru Roses) from wrapping paper, and you can see a photo of those at the bottom of my story.  I also made 50 origami stars from foil paper and holographic paper, seen above.

We’ve officially reached our 5th anniversary!  I am not inclined to be sentimental, but I am grateful for how incredibly fortunate we are.


  1. Jazzlet says

    Congratulations, and I hope you continue to have a life together that you can be as grateful for in later years!

    We had as secret a ceremony as it is possible to have in the UK – there is a legal obligation to announce the wedding four weeks before it happens in the venue in which it is to occur. In our case that was the local Registry Office where births, deaths, and marriages are recorded (marriages can also be done in many religious buildings as well as some fancy hotels) in the local Town Hall, they have a notice board in a public but not particularly busy corridor; no one we knew came across it. Apart from our two witnesses no one knew about it for some time, and most of my family still don’t know, it’s not a big secret, but the subject just hasn’t come up. If we could have had a civil partnership we would have done, but at the time it was only available for same sex couples.

    Love the stars and the Tsuru Roses are gorgeous!

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