Nursing professionals hurrying to attend to patients in intensive care unit after a mass casualty were stopped by security personal for thirty minutes.
A group of junior doctors called to attend an emergency were prevented from accessing Lift or stairs to go to the Operation Theater for some time by security personal.
Is this really happening?
Yes, it happened in India after the recent fireworks accident at Kollam, Kerala.
Why were they prevented ?

Modi at Thiruvananthapuram medical college, 10th April 2016 (PTI Photo) –
Because Prime minister Modi and leader of the opposition Congress party, Rahul Gandhi, could visit the injured admitted to hospitals. They flew in from Delhi within hours of the tragedy. In India there is always massive security around leaders. So when they travel they will be accompanied by hundreds of security personal. Access to buildings they visit will be severely curtailed.
Modi it seems even went inside the Intensive care unit to see critically ill patients, thereby preventing access to doctors and nursing staff for a crucial period of time.
There was probably a reason for such an unwise decision to visit the injured. Kerala state is having legislative assembly elections in few weeks time. Politicians might have felt that trying to ensure votes by showing they care for the people is much more important than allowing medical professionals uninterrupted access to the patients.
I find this worse than the scandal of the Saudi schoolgirls who burnt to death because the religious police would not allow them to leave the building “improperly dressed” and wouldn’t allow fire fighters to enter the building to rescue the girls as that would be a sin. The Saudis at least had the excuse that their minds are f*cked up.
Interesting comment, Anjuli. I find the Saudi example worse because people fucking DIED. Which is not reported as having happened here.
Couldn’t the hospitals tell him to visit the families and stay out of the hospitals?
In India, govt officials are afraid of powerful politicians.