Grifter Gingrich leads the Jesus Party

A new poll shows Newt Gingrich is now the head GOP clown, for now. The latest data shows the disgraced former speaker at 24%, most of which seemed to have come from Herman Cain’s precipitous drop. How funny is that for the family values crowd?

(WaPo) — Gingrich’s marriage to his second wife, Marianne, ended in divorce in 1999 after he acknowledged an extramarital affair with a congressional staffer named Callista Bisek, who is now Gingrich’s third wife.

He was cheating on his second wife while flogging Bill Clinton for having an affair. Just as he was accepting money from Freddie Mac while excoriating politicians who took money from Freddie Mac and on the healthcare death panel take while whining about imaginary death panels.

Dishonesty and immorality, thy name is Newt Gingrich, thus it’s only fitting he now represents the  Jesus party. It was always a bit of dream that Herman Cain could stay strong, and possibly even win. Does Gingrich have a better chance of bringing that dream to reality?


  1. raven says

    Gingrich is also a Catholic convert. It had something to do with his third sacred marriage.

    According to most fundies, Catholics are Fake Xians. Some fundie sects say right on their website that the Pope is the antichrist, i.e. WELS.

    It’s not obvious that the xian right wingnuts have all that much power. Their True Believing candidates aren’t doing so well, Bachmann, Perry, and Palin.

    1. The other leader is Romney. According to 3/4 of xian ministers, Mormons are not xians. (recent survey).

    2. Gingrich isn’t a Real Xian either. He’s also not a very convincing xian believer. His whole history screams opportunistic amoral toad whose only belief is that he needs more power, money, sex, and attention.

    Gingrich, IMO, is a Darth Cheney clone. All the intelligence, character, and appeal of a slug and twice the malevolence.

  2. raven says

    Romney is the best of a bad Tea Party lot.

    He is an aw shucks down home guy (/sarcasm) who happens to have a Harvard degree and hundreds of millions of dollars, some of which he made himself.

    He is reputed to be highly intelligent if devoid of any real center or beliefs. As governor of Massachusetts, he, at least managed not to wreck the state.

    What he does have is a Mormon problem. Polls show that something like 1/3 of all voters won’t vote for a Mormon for president on the basis of religion. I suspect if he was the Tea Party nominee, most of the fundies would suck it up and vote for him anyway.

  3. jamessweet says

    Newt Gingrich is now the head GOP clown

    “Head GOP clown”? That’s just derogatory! I believe the preferred term is “Not Mitt du Jour”.

  4. Randomfactor says

    I take some solace in the knowledge that should Mittens get the nomination and actually go on to win, at least we’ll be getting the first non-Christian president since what, Jefferson?

    (Or so I remind the fundies I chance to interact with…)

  5. dochopper says

    @ Raven

    2. Gingrich isn’t a Real Xian either. He’s also not a very convincing xian believer. His whole history screams opportunistic amoral toad whose only belief is that he needs more power, money, sex, and attention.

    Knowing as many as I do and my opinion as a reborn for the third time Recovering Southern Baptist.

    He fits the total bill as a REAL Xtain .

    And that is why they scare me some times.

  6. raven says

    Robert Jeffress On Mitt Romney Mormon Comments: ‘I Am Not A ……/robert-jeffress-mitt-romney_n_1001963…Cached

    Oct 9, 2011 – Three out of four pastors agree that Mormons are not Christians, according to this survey …. Dallas Mormons Decry Minister’s ‘Cult’ Comments …

    Documentation for my claim that 3 out 4 pastors claim that Mormons aren’t xians.

    There is no good criteria for who is a xian. So it is all opinion. The one criteria that they use, fighting wars, is no longer all that useful. Thank Cthulhu.

    1. So if Romney was elected president, he would be the first nonXian president in a while. IIRC, several of the early and well regarded presidents were mostly Deists, i.e. Jefferson.

    2. The fundie xian wingnuts can’t even get a real xian nominated. They have Romney who is a nonXian and Gingrich, who is a Fake xian if you don’t look too close, and a toad if you do.

    Not saying much good about how powerful they really are. They seem to be mostly useful idiots who will vote for anyone who says jesus a lot, opposes abortion, claims to believe the earth is 6,000 years old, wants the worst for them economically, and will wreck the country if they can.

  7. says

    Romney is trying very hard to get through the nomination process without saying anything more controversial than “America is great, Americans are great, this is a great country, liberty is good and our rivers are full of fish.” It’s basically mush, but he’s trying to avoid any statement or gaffe that might hurt him in the general election. It’s a tightrope walk.
    He may also remember his father’s brief standing as a front-runner in 1967. George Romney was in good shape in the polls that year until he tried to explain a change in position on the Vietnam war; he said he was originally supportive of intervention there because the military brass had “brainwashed” him. That unfortunate choice of words brought down his whole house of cards.

  8. abear says

    Not only is Gingrich the highest paid historian of all times, he has taken hypocrisy to an new level.
    Political science should remember his achievements.I propose that the practice of projecting your own faults on your opponent be known from now on as “Newtonian Psychotics”.

  9. jakc says

    Randomfactor: Taft was a Unitarian and said he didn’t believe in the divinity of Jesus, so I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t count in today’s Republican party.

  10. slc1 says

    John Adams was a Unitarian whose religious beliefs were quite close to those of Jefferson as evidenced by their post presidency correspondence. In addition, James Madison was also not a believing Christian and was, in fact, highly critical of organized religion in general and Christianity in particular.

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