Mental block over gun control

The three speeches of three presidents. They said more or less the same things after three different school shootings. Alas, no one banned the sale of guns!

After the tragic incident in Connecticut when the whole country is in mourning, Gun Control is still not a Top Priority for the American government.

I kind of like this Generic Gun Massacre cartoon. Let’s play fill in the blank.

Gun ads in America. Shocking.

ABC news:

There are more than 129,817 federally licensed firearms dealers in the United States. Of those, 51,438 are retail gun stores, 7,356 are pawn shops and 61,562 are collectors, with the balance of the licenses belonging mostly to manufacturers and importers of firearms and destructive devices.

In 2010 there were 5,459,240 new firearms manufactured in the United States, nearly all (95 percent) for the U.S. market. An additional 3,252,404 firearms were imported to the United States.

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Let the children live

“Guns don’t kill people. People with guns kill people.”

School shooting is not new in America. It started since 1764. It is still continuing. A gun man killed 20 children this morning.
Lone men, mad men, crazy, insane are everywhere but they can not get guns as easily in the other countries as in the USA to shoot people. Gun regulations could curb the violence. But it is hard to regulate guns in the USA. Day before Connecticut shooting massacre, Michigan Legislature passed Bill allowing guns in classrooms. We remember columbine high school killings. Don’t we? We thought American gun control laws would be stricter and school shootings would end forever. But sadly many mass shootings occurred since Columbine. [Read more…]