Nathan Zamprogno also sent me a link to the demented stylings of LoneStar1776, who is a great fan of Kent Hovind and strange interpretations of the law, and also hates Barack Obama and those damn libruls. I think Zamprogno is trying to drive me insane with paranoia.
I’m going to spread the disease. Here’s LoneStar1776 on a roll. Watch at your own risk.
You gotta love the part where he says the truly Christian thing to do would be to publicly behead Obama on prime time television (and he volunteers to do it), while railing against all the “significantly evil” people who disagree with him.
Well Jesus did resurrect himself specifically to behead poor old Pontius Pilatus (or as he should more properly be called: Πόντιος Πιλᾶτος)
Wait, Waco was an inside job? So David Koresh was an ATF mole? Um….
Thanks for that, PZ.
This guy came up largely as a result of turning over the stone hiding Kent Hovind nuts, who are formicating over his upcoming trial on new charges. He genuinely scares me. In his other videos, he’s got his gun in the frame.
He’s complaining about the IRS giving him a $25K bill and declares he told them that they’d have to kill him to collect.
He’s posting videos about protesting at abortion clinics and burning Talmuds and Jewish flags (not to mention Korans).
He was mocking in his tone when he heard that the nursing home his elderly father lives in suggested he get a flu shot, because immunisation is evil.
He thinks the Sandy Hook massacre was staged by the Government to take his guns (not to mention every other gun massacre in recent history, plus 9/11).
The video he posted after saying he wanted to publicly behead Obama was of a visit from the Secret Service, which his wife filmed. He denied nothing, although he admitted his brothers and father had served in the military while he had not — looks like Rudy has a big Small Man complex. This was about 2 years ago.
The video above is far more recent… early December. Rudy seems to have gone downhill. He struggles to maintain his composure, and is searching for words and is obviously agitated and close to rage.
He doubles down on the beheading desire. The secret service agents told him that saying that was a crime. Maybe they’ll take some action this time.
Lastly, he seems to have lied to the SS agents in 2012 because in the above video he says work at “Immigrations, Customs and Enforcement” and that the government tried to sack him because of his extreme views. In 2012 he told the SS agents he was just a “Network plumber” for “an IT company”.
Consider that this guy has been ringing up people associated with Hovind’s new trial (including the judge, for pete’s sake!) and threatening them, and then putting the videos on YouTube.
I think he’s going to shoot someone. I hope someone reading this reports him.
I like the contradictory ending: “[…] I aint gonna live in a WORLD where I gotta be a slave. […] I submit to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ God Almighty.”
Well, he has guns. Why doesn’t he just ‘deliver himself to the Lord?”
That would be a nice outcome; he could meet Jeebuz and leave the sane people alone.
I’ve been following Kent Hovind as a Sovereign Citizen nutter for some time now. Rudy/LoneStar1776 has taken up Hovind’s cause. On Saturday, Rudy had a call with a number of other men (some of whom may be familiar to Pharyngula). I listened to the call and took notes. (Please keep in mind, most of the time during this call I was spinning wool into yarn, so as to keep from putting my fist through the monitor at the absurdities I was hearing.)
Here’s the YouTube video, if anyone is interested 0_o.
* Call starts several minutes in with introductions.
* Ye gods, he’s got Wiley Drake on there. What a kook.
* I’d add: Wiley Drake has really come downhill since he was a vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention.
* Minute 18: Rudy says that Ernie Land is supposed to be on Infowars with Dan Bidondi on Monday and Kent is supposed to call in. “This is huge,” Rudy says.
* Rudy referred to Gea as “Kent Hovind’s adopted daughter in Canada” at about 18:50.
* Rudy also namechecked Caiden Cowger, a teenage radio host. Says there’s an article about Kent. It must be in Cowger’s paid subscription newsletter.
* Rudy says that Kent has given his former cellie Randall Boaz Owens the authority to run 2 Peter 3 dot com away from Hal Allard.
* OH noes! They’ve found those trial transcripts and Owens is supposed to post them to the web. (Not holding my breath.)
* Shoutout to Paul Hanson “who is also being persecuted.” [Hanson is Hovind’s co-defendant in the upcoming mail fraud case.]
* Aubrey Falconer (Free Hovind dot com) apparently sent the signatures from that website to (someone) and it’s supposed to go to Randall Boaz Owens. [Additional note: snarky comments made about Falconer being a “New Ager” now.]
* Now they’re talking about getting people at their churches to sign cards for Kent’s upcoming birthday (Jan. 15). Rudy goes off on his mistaken belief that Kent is being persecuted for the gospel, and not because he tried to evade paying taxes.
* Apparently there is some “drama” around the interview Hovind had with Steven Anderson yesterday. I guess I need to listen to the rest of that call. (at about 31:00)
* Now they’re talking about getting hold of Kent’s “37” books.
* “What’s the next action we can take to shed light on these cockroaches.” – Reggie
* Now Rudy’s ranting about how he called the judge and the prosecutors and apparently these include “imprecatory prayer.” I guess I’ll have to listen to those as well.
* Rudy trashes Kent’s public defender as well.
* Wiley Drake gives tips on how to pray imprecatory prayer on Kent’s enemies using the Bible, to keep off the Secret Service.
* Rudy says he got the idea to leave the voicemails came from Dan Bidondi of InfoWars. And he urges people to use the Bible in their voicemails.
* Oh MY. Dave Daubenmire just joined. It’s a true kook fest.
* Rudy keeps going back to Reggie, but now Daubenmire has interrupted.
* Daubenmire notes that once people learn that Hovind is a tax protester, they won’t have anything to do with him. The implication Daubenmire would give the listeners is that Hovind’s being persecuted for the Lord. The fact is that Hovind is a tax protester and tax cheat.
* Now Brady is talking about unseating federal judges by writing to the “head judge.”
* Now Rudy is starting to go over the seven things you can do for Kent Hovind.
1) Pray for Kent and Ernie Land. Also pray that the InfoWars interview goes well on Monday.
2) We need to provide our brothers in the Lord with resources to educate them about Kent Hovind. Rudy has a form email which can be sent out which will give resources to “educate” people.
3) Sign the new petition to free Kent.
4) Donate money. Rudy claims Ernie is under enemy attack. There’s an issue with the donate buttons on Free Kent Dot Com and also on 2 Peter 3 Dot Com. Rudy says that they’ve now gotten control of 2 Peter 3 Dot Com.
* Now Wiley Drake gives an endorsement of Ernie Land.
5) Write Kent Hovind.
6) Set up a collect call account so Kent can call you. Rudy then tells people to avoid doctrinal issues and instead, listen to what Kent is saying to you.
* And I think number 7 is the form letter again.
* Gerald asks about Jo and her financial situation. Rudy says to pray for her. But he doesn’t want to get into the family situation. If there’s any communication that needs to be made, that should be done through Ernie Land.
* Gerald: is there any way to find out if the judges/prosecutors have a vested interest in the prison system? Rudy: rumor that Judge Rodgers has an interest in a company that uses prison labor.
* Back to calling “Kent’s gatekeepers.” Rudy says yes, call them, but leave Biblical verses.
* Wiley Drake now gives two recommendations 1)stick to the Bible and 2) remember we’re at war and during war they will come after you.
* Drake also says that he’s got an IRS levy notice sitting on his desk. Apparently the IRS is going to levy against his church for unpaid taxes. Rudy: if we don’t stand up for Kent, then next week they’ll be coming after Wiley. [Wonder if this isn’t follow up to Drake endorsing Mike Huckabee on church letterhead during one of Huckabee’s previous runs for president?]
* Brad suggests people use the YouTube comments to make suggestions.
* The next phone call will be after Rudy gets back from some trip he’s going on from Jan. 12-19.
* Rudy admits he edits out information related to Kent’s family. I would argue that there’s a general “conspiracy” to basically keep the Hovind family separate from Kent’s ongoing problem.
* Rudy mentions the InfoWars interview on Monday and the prayer rally on February 9.
* Daubenmire closes with prayer, someone mentions the Facebook page for the prayer rally and the call ends…
Oh, and by the way: This nut Rudy Davis is also a strict geocentrist.
That’s right, everything in the Universe revolves around the Earth, because the Bible says so.
Imagine being this guys’ neighbour.
Before Rudy became Kent Hovind’s champion, he was chewing Hovind out for not being a geocentrist: (40 seconds)
Well, birthers asking for Obama’s birth certificate make a little bit more sense now. Sovereign Citizens are an amazing betta fish bowl. I can almost see the architecture they’ve built up in their brains. Incredible.
Romans 13:1-7.
@Nathan Zamprogno in #3
Can I recommend referring to the Secret Service as USSS (U.S. Secret Service)? SS agents would only increase the paranoid delusions, unless you were paraphrasing the deluded fool? I can see Sovereign Citizens abbreviating the Secret Service SS agents.
Also, thanks for the transcribe. Reading the rants is so much easier on the blood pressure than listening.
These folks aren’t just dangerous extremists in the US, but in Canada as well. There was a case here in Alberta not so long ago that has become somewhat noteworthy for the incisive take-down of Sovereign Citizens/Freemen-on-the-land by the judge. He refers to them as “Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument (OPCA) Litigants”.
Here’s the ruling:
Laugh while you can. It’s all fun and games until the Sovereign Citizens start shooting.
They’ve killed at least 8 police officers in the last few years.
More often they just go on shooting sprees and end up dead themselves. The guy in Austin spent hours firing at buildings before a cop shot him. The other guy in Austin flew his plane into a government building.
Wherever you have this sort of hate rhetoric, you will have some…hate violence. BTW, this isn’t terrorism. It’s only terrorism when Moslems do it. /snark
This guy is dangerous.
Peter J Reilly, a Forbes contributor who seems to have made it his mission to follow the Kent Hovind saga, has just posted a lengthy update on Hovind’s most recent case and features Rudy Davis.
Hovind and his co-conspirator, Paul John Hansen (who seems to have been the instigator of much of the mess Hovind has been in the last ten years thanks to his sovereign-citizen brand of legal “advice”), are due to go to trail next month in Pensacola next month.
This guy reminds me of a Brazilian video blogger who also babbled, screamed, banged his fists on a table and almost wept in front of the camera. Last time I heard of him he was saying he’d flee the country for Miami because Brazil had become a Communist dictatorship, the Cubans were invading, and things like that. It seems you guys attract this sort of person.
And you can tell the difference between him and someone who’s actually going to go and try to do it because, errr…
@7 That’s where I saw him. I knew his was familiar. I recall that video as being equally disturbing.
i’ve posted this link before; it’s the video and partial transcript to rudy’s coming out as a geocentrist and denunciation of the last 500 years of science:
“better than science”
not hard to guess what rudy thinks is better than science.
Why does an all-powerful God need to fight a war?
This man is clearly mentally ill. While he clearly needs help, given the difficulty of putting him under any kind of restraint without his having committed a crime, he may likely act on his rage and do someone harm before he can be helped. We seem to be a nation which cannot deal with mental illness unless it manifests itself in violence or self-destruction, which by then is too late.
No he is not. Please identify the distinguishing features and tie them to relevant sections of the DSM-V, or relevant reviews from pubmed. Unless you are using non-clinical understandings of “illness”, which is also a problem.
One can need help and not be mentally damaged. the hardware and software can run as nature allows and terrible results can still occur. Irrational connections inspired by ones circumstances and social group are trivially common to find among our kind. Illness and pathology are defined by how one feels about oneself, or how society feels about you. You should try looking into the horror of human experience some time. The things people have been willing to do under kings and other leaders is all I need to know that we must take what it is to be human and society much more seriously.
Don’t get me wrong. My mind wanted to go there too and I do have a mental shape that can be read about in pubmed as if it were damage. There is a very real human instinct to deny how aweful normal can be.
Sadly, he doesn’t seem that much different from mainstream right wingers.
*American mainstream right wingers.
To drive us closer to developing the technology for starships, of course. Gods need those.
Joe Stack!
My mates and I wrote a song about him years ago. Sadly, we never recorded it.
@ Anne Fenwick, #17:
So, this is half-remembered without a source, take it with a grain of salt, but when I was looking into writing some fiction I looked at people who attack major public figures and I remember this one report/study/whatever that said basically the person who attacks a President or similarly high profile/seriously hard to get to target either:
1) acts for very personal motives, in which case both making no announcements of intent and making direct announcements of intent to the target are significantly likely, but public statements (like youtube videos, though that didn’t exist when I read the study) were very unlikely. The announcements of intent tend to come in the form of letters directly to the president (or other target) and the personal motives tend to be obviously ridiculous (e.g. “You are personally responsible for my home being foreclosed, and I know this because you winked at me on camera during a 20/20 interview once. Your smug superiority led to my child dying of blahblah when she didn’t have the security of a warm, clean home that obviously would have prevented her from getting sick. Well, now you’re going to feel what my child felt!”). These attackers often have been diagnosed with mental illness, but it’s important to note that mental illness doesn’t predispose one to violence. Only very specific delusions are correlated with premeditated violence above the background prevalence in the population, though chemical dependency and substance abuse disorders are correlated with unpremeditated violence above the background prevalence in the population.
Other attackers motivated by personal reasons, the ones unlikely to announce, are also less likely to have a history of delusions.
This obviously does not describe the video maker.
2) motivated by politics/public grievances: the people who are serious about attacking a President or similarly hard-to-target person over large/diffuse/public grievances were very unlikely to make any announcement of intent, private or public. Though they often have relationships to those who speak publicly and harshly about their eventual targets.
This obviously does not describe the video maker.
Thus the video maker seems to me, based on the little I know, to be very unlikely to be someone who would eventually, personally target Obama or an attorney general or other important public figure.
However, given that the silent-stalking grudge-holders of type 2 often fuel themselves by listening to and forming relationships with such demagogues, it’s more-likely-than-background that the video maker has friends or acquaintances that fall into the silent-stalking grudge-holder group that does have some significantly greater than background chance of making an attack on Obama (or similar).
Attacking a public figure isn’t (apparently, psychologically, when considered from the attacker’s perspective) like attacking someone without wealth, a public ID, and lots of protection.
It may very well be that the video maker is announcing a propensity to violence that exceeds the background prevalence in the US. But his behavior is not, at least to my inexpert eye, consistent with someone who would carry out a high-profile attack like an assault on a President.
*actually, a big grain of salt, b/c when I read the original report, I didn’t end up reading any reviews/critiques of it either, and as a non-expert even if I remember correctly, I could have simply been taken in by a bad methodology unrecognized by me…
||”Why does an all-powerful God need to fight a war?
|To drive us closer to developing the technology for starships, of course. Gods need those”
What does God need with a starship?
@nathan Zamprogno:
You’d be surprised.
Actually, I was thinking about this, but we’re obviously in-sync!
Re the name: In 1776 Texas (the Lone Star state) was part of New Spain. So I presume that his position is that Texas should reunite with Mexico and that Mexico should then reunite with Spain. Bien, companero.
Is this a new Congressperson from Texas?
Janiceintoronto @5: Please don’t call for people to commit suicide, even in code.
He’s supposed to be a Roman, so why not keep his name in Latin?
*adds another Internet, hand-crafted from the finest ingredients, to Anthony’s collection*
Tacitus: I really enjoy Rudy Davis. His affect reminds me of Fred Ward’s portrayal of Gus Grissom in The Right Stuff.
You mean like (paraphrasing from memory): “Who’s the most extreme nut case in the world? You’re lookin’ at him.”
Oops, sorry; Tacitus was quoting Peter J. Reilly.
@20 edmund:
because, according to the babble, god can’t repel chariots of iron?
It seems unfair to generalize as your title does. It isn’t the American public that is “dangerously nuts,” it is just certain aspects of it. In truth, there are people who hold these views in almost every country on Earth. You don’t have to be “American” or have access to YouTube to hold such violent and “nuts” opinions. This is a product of dogma, not of being American.
I’d also point out that everyone on this board, including you PZ, is a member of the American public. Thus, the title is as applicable to you as it is to the man in the video. Are you “dangerously nuts?” I understand that you are going for clicks and trying to be provocative, but it would be nice if you could do it without being so dismissive of so many people. I think you might actually get MORE readers if you found ways to be more charitable. Of course, it’s your blog so you can do what you want. Those are just my two cents.
Yes, good point. I should have said “many people on this board, including you PZ, are members of the American public.” I was think mostly of PZ when I made that mistake. Apologies.
Ssssssh quiet, everyone! It’s like a slow motion BBC documentary, narrated by Attenborough, of someones’ first steps! (on the internet).
Ok, sorry, that was uncalled for. I’ll be off to be an asshole on Avclub or whatever.
Pflynn, your concern is noted, and filed under “you don’t get it”.
never mind
Rudy in one of his more recent rants claims that the Hovindicators, as I call them, now own the internet. The enemy is in disarray.