John Oliver continues to impress. Here’s a discussion of the wretched anti-gay policies being implemented in Uganda, and the US’s role in propagating them.
I don’t understand why Scott Lively isn’t in jail — we have no laws against criminal ventures in foreign countries? Nothing about fostering foreign corruption? Can we, at the very least, take his passport away?
Oliver continues his interview with Pepe Julian Onziema, who is also very impressive. It’s kind of Uganda to send us an ambassador from the Land of Decent Human Beings.
I don’t expect much in trying him for crimes against humanity but it helps to see that pustule squirm.
Seems like the only thing the US exports anymore is bigotry and hatred.
Thank-you for this. It is very encouraging to be shown such brave grace (Pepe) and to be reminded that Scott Lively is a hateful shit who spent at least two weeks successfully sowing hatred in a foreign land. Is the only way to save us from this viral spew to send him overseas to infect the rest of the world?
Bravo, John Oliver!
@Karl Mann:
Well, look at the bright side. We apparently have an inexhaustible supply, given what’s happening around the country. (And we’re only exporting it to third-world countries, not outsourcing the jobs as well.) (In fact, exporting hatred may actually be the Republican jobs program.)
PZ – I hope you don’t mind my using this thread as an excuse to give a shout-out to my favourite charity: A small, UK based, charity doing some good work in Uganda.
Seems like the only thing the US exports anymore is bigotry and hatred
We also drop-export high explosive.
@2 Karl Mann :
Don’t be such a Debbie Downer; the US is also the leading exporter of weapons:
John Oliver is a force for good in the world.
Yes! We need only look to Developing countries in Africa for a taste of what the Xtian Fundies would like to implement in America, but aren’t allowed to.
May I just say? Pepe you kick some serious ass.
Uhhh… first amendment? Last I checked, it’s perfectly legal to advocate for laws criminalizing homosexuality in the United States, and the constitution guarantees this. Are you saying speech abroad should have less protection? Or was there some other crime which I missed? Lying? Are you saying we should throw creationists in prison too? What else is there?
EnlightenmentLiberal, the First Amendment does not cover incitement to violence or hate speech.
And even if Lively could wiggle out of the hate speech bit, the documented explosion of anti-LGBT violence and the evidence that Lively instigated it, cannot be so easily dismissed.
I see no incitement to violence.
The first amendment does protect hate speech.
Yes it can be easily dismissed. I dismiss it.
There is an incredibly narrow exception for incitement to violence and riot, which is narrowly construed in the context of in the immediate vicinity of a mob of angry people. I do not see Lively in front of a mob of angry people who immediately went out and rioted. I see a simple, straightforward, (dishonest) lecture series. It is dishonest or disingenuous to use “incitement to riot” in this case.
What’s the difference between this, and when Christopher Hitchens writes “religion poisons everything”, except one is true and one is false? I’m not seeing it.
What’s the difference between Lively and when I say that the fundamental error of the Christianity is what led to Nazism, Stalinism, etc.? If you can make people believe absurdities, then you can make people commit atrocities. Paraphrasing Voltaire.
What’s the difference between this and allowing the KKK to have a march in town? What’s the difference between Lively giving his lecture and the KKK from delivering their own lecture – in a calm, cool, non-riot context?
I protect his speech because I want my own speech protected. You and PZ seem to be forgetting the core value of the European Enlightenment, best summarized by this paraphrase of Voltaire: I might disagree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it. I’m sorry – we should not get into the business of criminalizing mere speech which we disagree with, no matter how strongly. We should not get into the business of criminalizing mere speech because we disagree with the politics of it, no matter how strongly. We should not get into the business of criminalizing mere speech because we fear that it will change the law or change public attitudes in a non-riot context in a way we don’t like, again no matter how strongly. We should do this because we want the same favor given to us. The solution to hatred, bigotry, and politics we don’t like is not government censorship.
Like, this has really been bugging me.
What is your position? Maybe this test?
Speech which can be reasonably expected to precipitate violence or which can be shown after the fact to have precipitated violence, can be censored in advance or punished after the fact. What about cartooning Islam? It can be reasonably expected that cartooning Islam will precipitate violence. Does that mean we should censor the cartoonists? This gives those who would use violence a trump card over speech. That’s a horrible idea.
Let’s try to be more generous. What about this standard?
If it can be shown that certain speech
1- can be reasonably expected to precipitate violence towards a particular group or which can be shown after the fact to have precipitated violence towards a particular group, and
2- that speech is based on animus towards a particular group,
then that speech can be censored.
Are we going to start banning KKK literature? Are we going to ban Chick Tracts?
I end with IMHO the foremost authority on this subject, or at least the finest speech ever given on this topic.
Christopher Hitchens on Freedom of Speech (from some public debate AFAIK).
(I’m using this link which is a tolerable transcript. Some corrections made.)
Most relevantly:
Not quite as relevant, but keep this bit in mind: