Twain and Webster, Lincoln and King, every past paragon of the American idiom, are sighing in their graves right now, because Sarah Palin has announced her desire to split the Republican party in two.
Well if Republicans are going to act like Democrats, then what’s the use in getting all gung-ho about getting more Republicans in there? We need people who understand the beauty of…. the value of … allowing free market to thrive. Otherwise our country is going to be continued to be over-regulated, driving industry away, driving jobs away. We’re going to be a bankrupt, fundamentally transformed country unless those who know what they’re doing, and aren’t going along just to get along with those in power, it being today the Democrats. That does no good. So yeah if Republicans aren’t going to stand strong on the planks in our platform then it does no good to get all enthused about them anymore.
While I applaud her desire to take the Tea Party on a lovely ride off the cliff of irrelevance, to explode in a cloud of futility on impact with reality, I regret that she’s doing her damnedest to drag the language to hell with her.
That is some collateral damage I would happily accept.
It’s really got a “When in the Course of human events…” sort of vibe about it.
“American masters of the English language” should really demand a “to” in “her desire split”. ;-)
As always, her words seem to contain an echoing shriek that conveys “How much are you paying me for this?”
She’s an un-smacked pinata of a person, with only a few rocks rattling around inside the old newspaper.
Apparently they get one. Or I’m hallucinating. It’s a 50/50 bet.
Naughty PZ. You could at least admit you edited the OP. :-)
I dunno, I actually understood her main points (loopy though they are). That paragraphs is positively eloquent compared to her usual inane word salad that’s only a cut above glossolalia.
I thought I was bad at proofreading… Well, I am, but at least my thoughts are organized enough to get the general point across. Sometimes. OK, rarely. But at least I know when I fuck up! You could smear Palin’s nose in this turd all day and she would still say it smelled like roses.
1. Sarah Palin’s sole criterium is, “How much money can I make by babbling like a loon?”
2. Who takes her seriously anyway? Besides John McCain, Tony Perkins, and James Dobson?
Really, anyone who takes Sarah Palin seriously is too dumb to do anything.
3. As far as I’m concerned, splitting the GOP in half would be the best thing that happened in the last few decades.
It isn’t going to happen though. It gains them nothing but extinction. And, if it sounds too good to be true, it is unlikely to be true.
Palin is as usual missing the point.
1. Support for the Tea Party, never high is at record lows according to the pollsters. It is 22%, less than the number of people who believe in Geocentrism at 26%. They don’t even have a majority of Republicans.
2. They lost all their federal level primaries except Cantor, an anomaly not yet explained.
3. The Tea Party is mostly the neoconfederates, racists, and supporter of the Southern Revolt War. 68% of the federal level elected Tea Partiers are from…the South. They haven’t done well elsewhere except in mostly rural areas.
That being said, the Tea Party has pulled the GOP so far right that there really isn’t much difference between them. It’s fruitbat loons versus really, seriously fruitbat loons.
I don’t really think I understood that quote, but it sounded like she was threatening to ragequit the Republican Party and take all her Teaparty wingnut friends with her.
Please be true, please be true, please be true….
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I wish her well in her endeavour to fragment the right in the United States into multiple parties each vying for ultimate ideological purity.
Having been a former conservative, allow me to translate:
Republicans must maintain ideological conformity! There can be no political heresy in the the GOP with any talk of dropping the Tea Party of the Christian Right!
We need to elect people who are willing allow cut-throat capitalist pigs who run our economy to exploit American workers and pollute our eniviroment all while making massive amounts of un-taxed profit, or else they’ll move our industry to foreign crap-holes where they can make massive amounts of un-taxed profit while exploiting workers and polluting the environment.
They’re going to tax away your money and give it to those filthy colored people.
Upper-class, white, Christian, heterosexual males won’t be in charge anymore, and we don’t want that.
Any Republican even thinking of working with Democrats will bring about the end of America (see above).
So do what the racist, tricorn-wearing, Bible-humping, old farts on hover-rounds want or we’ll scuttle the party!
Edit: Having been a conservative…
Sorry, I need more caffeine.
speaking the unthinkable or
thinking the unspeakable or
unthinking the speakable
or something
I have a hard time reading it I can’t listen at all
uncle frogy
Why, hello there, Overton Window.
So this is the result of moving the Democrats so far to the right.
I don’t get what this has to do with language. I found her arguments were easy to follow.
Also, none of you actually understands her:
I read in this blog and other places, when i check world news, that some people find manny republicans (Cheney, Limbaugh, Rove, Bachman, Palin, etc.) dumb, evil and/or idiots, with ideas so stupid, and constantly making fun of them.
But is important, im my opinion, that we all remember one thing:
– “They” are smart, with a low cunning and capable of apealing to a great number of population, using lies and half-truths and fear to manipulate the electors;
– “They” shouldn’t be taken lightly;
– “They” are extremly dangerous and persistent in their endeavours, and would not stop at nothing to gain more power, even if they had to lay waste to the US society and environment.
My friends, be very vigilant, be active, be brave and do not let them destroy your republic and country, making a terrible damage to you and your family and to the rest of the world
Why, it almost sounds like some form of English, doesn’t it?
fernando @ 18 I don’t think that you will find many here that disagree with you. We make fun of them because humor is one of the best weapons against them, that doesn’t mean we don’t take their threat seriously. All over the world people of conscience must be vigilant, active, and brave. Wish you well as one of those.
Its good to see the GOP appreciates the inherent beauty of the ‘Night of the Long Knives’ enough to keep re-enacting it.
Just remember, folks, Michele Bachmann is the candidate for those who think Sarah Palin is too intellectual.
There the job craters.
Please, oh my non-existent god, please let Sarah have her wish come true! The Tea Party is only able to be a thing because it is a parasite within the Republican party. If the Republican party splits into two, becoming Wingnut and Super Wingnut, splitting the conservative vote….that would be just perfect. It would more than likely backfire on them. The only downside is that the non-Tea Party Republicans would suddenly be portrayed as Teh Moderates, and low information voters would gravitate towards them. But I think it would mean a lot more Democrat victories and either the right-wingers would resolve that by just merging up again, or, miraculously, agreeing to change rules for elections in such a way to make more than two parties a viable option! So much good could come of this if they make this idiotic move. Sadly, the people who aren’t Sarah Palin know where their bread is buttered. They know that splitting the party will only disrupt their cushy and privileged lives, and make it less likely for them clog up the works in Washington. They know better. I guess we can only hope that the teabaggers’ desire for Purity will override that, and result in the evisceration of the Republican Party. Dream a little dream.
Moronic incoherence…
I’ll just inject some Mississippi election results into this Palin bafflegab. Even the lamestreamMedia spins these results totally wrong. They keep announcing how Black Democrats supported the incumbant Republican, and so defeated the Tea Party challenger. They gloss over completely that this election was just a Primary ReVote, after the initial primary’s results were too close to call. The never mention that the Dems were motivated to vote AGAINST the racist scum bucket, selecting the incumbent, whom he wanted to replace. They downplay the racist, blech, that the challenger was, and that the Dems were NOT supporting the incumbent, they were _rejecting_ the challenger. And the Repubes go spin it like crazy in their favor, that the incumbent is so loved that even Dems voted to maintain him. blech, blech. I bring this up only cuz I was so disgusted to see this poor spin by CNN reporting these results, even Stewart tried to do better, but only marginally. I was triggered to write this here cuz of Palin being mentioned on the “underscroll” about Oklahoma voters rejecting Palin’s recommendations, full stop. I do not know what was going on in Ok, nor what Palin’s recommendations were. But still, the name triggered me to publish my disapproval of the news reportage, but approval of the news itself; evidence that the TeaPartiers have gotten too extreme for even the Repubs.
I just finished watching Rachael Maddow’s report from last night. While she was gleefully reporting on what happened in Mississippi, she did warn that there could be some unexpected consequences.
Either the teanuts could form a third party, which would be great for the Democrats, or they could be galvanized about working harder to take seats away from establishment GOP candidates in states without open primaries.
Running against more crazy teanuts would make it much,much more important for the Democrats to get out the vote to defeat them. The scary thing is that defeating them might be next to impossible in some of the most gerrymandered districts.
Only that she & Cruz backed the losing candidate whose primary selling point seemed to be that he was conservativer than the other guy.
fernando @18:
While I suspect you had the best of intentions with this comment, it comes across as patronizing.
Do you think we don’t realize these things? Are there comments that indicate people take the GOP lightly? Can you point to someone who doesn’t realize how dangerous they are? You said you read this blog. That being the case, I’m sure you’ve seen PZs opinion of the Republican Party. He’s well aware of the facts you mention. If you’ve read the comments on political posts, you’d see that many commenters are aware of this as well.
“Well if Republicans are going to act like Democrats”
If Republicans are really acting like Democrats, like in Sarah Palin’s view, than I’d be afraid to find out the ideologies of Republicans that act like Republicans.
Let’s see if she ever recommends something sensible, like proportional representation. But then again, she might react to being told about Duverger’s Law with “Wasn’t that guy French? Ick!”
So begins their road to the formation of a new sect of Christianity.
to add to the existing one hundred thousand or so.
authoritarianism ftw?
you already know them…
people like Ted Cruz.
stupider the better, apparently.
Tony! The Fucking Queer Shoop!, and eventually others, please sorry if my comment seemed patronising. That wasn’t mine intention at all.
Mine intention was – albeit not very well expressed – to give suport for you all, warning some of the less prudent of you to never underestimate your (mine, too) adversaries, no matter how stupid they are, in your work and actions against the religious integrist of the far-right in the american republic.
Once again, im really sorry if i offend someone with a comment that could be interpreted has patronising.
@9 raven
– Who takes her seriously? Those who pay to sit and listen to her. Or just suck it up at home. At least a portion of same audience that listens to Alex Jones et al. The same “This is my gun, and I’m in your face” (quite seriously) types who, well… get in faces (quite seriously) with guns. Those who are legitimized (in their own minds) by the fact that this crap is broadcasted, and that the content irritates “liberals.”
– Them, and anyone getting the gun in the face (etc etc etc).
And I may never forget the simple line “The beauty of allowing the free market to thrive.”
Oh, for the verdant garden of the free (vegetable?) market as envisioned by Palin and friends.
Now trying to imagine Thomas Jefferson’s / Ben Franklin’s / John Adam’s response to such aesthetic politics.