It’s been a while! Lots of catching up to do.
Are you looking for help debunking geocentrism? NonStampCollector has a source. (Yes, it’s a real thing.)
Ashley Miller catalogs the best of Ashley Miller from 2012.
Avicenna slaps down Bodie Hodge. Answers in Genesis is such a rich source of lunacy.
Biodork is playing with blood. Awesome!
Chris Rodda learns that the Officer’s Christian Fellowship changed their public slogan from the goal of creating “A spiritually transformed military…” to “glorify[ing] God”. Do you think they no longer have evangelical goals?
Crommunist weighs in, feebly: I’m sorry, but you can’t judge a Philly cheesesteak without tasting it. (But yeah, everyone knows Geno is a jerk.)
Dana Hunter has earth-shaking news: the sun came out in Seattle! She used that as an excuse to take lots of pictures.
Deacon Duncan tells us about familiar Christian hypocrisy: don’t infringe on our right to discriminate against others, but let’s make sure no one can discriminate against Christians.
Ed Brayton discovers that rich white gun-wielding old guys are the new Rosa Parks. Next step: marching in protest against themselves.
Greta Christina has an updated list of atheists of color. Convention planners, consult it before you discover you have an all-white speaker lineup!
Hank Fox reminisces about holidays past.
Jason Thibeault features a Laci Green video on slut-shaming.
Lilandra lists the foundational fallacies of sexists.
Mano Singham explains that economic sanctions can be just as lethal as bombs.
Maryam Namazie announces that there is a general strike in Iran to protest death sentences. So, in other words, Iranians are better human beings than most Texans.
Miriam doesn’t think loving yourself is such a good idea. No, it’s not about that.
Natalie Reed doesn’t think that calling exploitation cinema “retro” or “hip” or “edgy” excuses it. And you know what? Quentin Tarentino really is a gigantic asshole.
Oh, no! The Digital Cuttlefish finds a theologian who thinks the incompleteness of science is an argument against science! Gosh, I never heard that one before.
Ophelia Benson has a great money-making idea: a store that sells nothing but women’s body parts. She calls it Lips & Labia. The advertizing agencies will find it a trivial exercise.
Paul Fidalgo has betrayed his Apple iPad and taken up with a Nexus 7. Traitor.
Richard Carrier explains that Atheism+ is just atheism + skepticism + humanism. I’m mystified, too, about why such a straightforward and reasonable combination of values generates so much hate.
Sikivu Hutchinson deplores the American culture of violent silence and rape as terrorism against women.
Stephanie Zvan announces another “Mock The Movie” event for tomorrow night. This one features a scary clown.
The Atheist Experience analyzes a common call-in tactic: pretending an explanation is a rebuttal. Watch for it, Christians do this all the time.
Wait, Taslima Nasrin — you mean dropping trou isn’t an invitation to rape?
Zinnia Jones is writing notes to her past self. Wow, if I could do that…I don’t know if I’d write a book or just a short note to carry on.
This list keeps getting longer and longer. How am I supposed to get any work done, when you refer me to so many great articles?
Gregory: can I interest you in a course in speed-reading ?
Oh, I could totally write about that too. Except that would be a GOOD idea.