Thankfully former

Tim Fenton at the blog Zelo Street has, like me, been watching the obsessive bullying by Louise Mensch of anyone who reported on Tim Hunt’s crappy sexist “jokes” at that fateful lunch in Seoul.

[A]s the first paper to indulge in whataboutery over Hunt’s comments was the Murdoch Times, it should surprise no-one that (thankfully) former Tory MP Louise Mensch has gone off on one about the story – and is still at it, two and a half weeks later. “He said it in a very lighthearted manner with no outward hint of malice, condescension, or derision” she claims of Hunt’s remarks, omitting that this was someone’s opinion, delivered after the event.

He shares a lot of her rude, aggressive, imperious, threatening tweets – a lot yet they are a fraction of the number she has sent. Stuff like this –

– and my favorite for sheer peremptory issuing of orders yesterday, this –

She talks like a cop or a prosecutor. On Twitter.

And she wasn’t letting Ms Bishop off the hook: “answer the question did you personally demand his resignation before speaking to him or establishing the facts … did you personally speak to Connie St Louis whose account is a proven lie”. Ms St Louis might have something to say about that. But what Ms Mensch has to say about Tim Hunt will not move the story forward one millimetre.

She’s been banging on about this for the last fortnight. Incessantly and obsessively. Nobody who matters will care what she writes.

All that, in aid of saying sexist “jokes” weren’t sexist. What a noble cause.


  1. says

    “He said it in a very lighthearted manner with no outward hint of malice, condescension, or derision…” Even supposing that this opinion is correct, how does this make it any better? If he’d made similar remarks about the difficulties of working alongside, say, Koreans, or Southern Baptists, “in a very lighthearted manner with no outward hint of malice, condescension, or derision” I don’t think anybody would be offering that as a defence. Quite the contrary.

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