There’s a rather depressing piece in the Guardian by Fazel Hawramy and Mohammad Moslawi about the beginnings of resistance to ISIS in Mosul.
Iraqis living under Isis rule in Iraq, where non-Sunni residents have been forced from their homes and tens of mosques have been deemed idolatrous and marked for destruction, have started to push back against the extreme interpretation of Islam being imposed on them.
In Mosul, despite its military triumphs, Isis is losing the hearts, minds and obedience of residents who say they have had enough.
When its fighters destroyed the Nabi Jonah mosque (Jonah’s tomb) in the Iraqi city last Thursday, they failed to removed copies of the Qur’an and other religious texts. Residents treading through the ruins of the building found torn and burnt pages of the holy books scattered across the rubble. It was an insult to Islam that was captured on video and unified the city in outrage.
“[Isis] claims that having graves inside mosques is heretical but what about the Qur’an, why did not they remove the Qur’an from the mosque before destroying it?” one resident, who did not wish to be named, asked the Guardian.
That’s the first specific grievance against ISIS they mention. There’s more about that, and other mosques, and other sites. There’s an attempt to order people to continue to fast on the first day of Eid. There’s an expulsion of Christians, and something about hair salons. The coverage seems to reflect a very impoverished set of concerns and priorities: huge concern for mosques and Korans, a little concern for Christians and people wanting unorthodox haircuts, and – nothing else.
It’s sad.
That’s the first specific grievance against ISIS they mention.
Generally, one’s complaints tend to be muted, when complaining about people that crucify their enemies. ISIS’ strategy of brutality is not just random meanness – it’s how “political legitimacy” is eventually established.
There’s something to that Marcus. At the very least it is difficult to accuse someone of anti islamic behavior when they’re complaining about destroyed Korans.
‘…the extreme interpretation of Islam…’
It’s only ‘extreme’ when YOU are the victim. It magically translates back into ‘sincerely held religious belief’ when someone ELSE is in the cross hairs.