Ed Brayton publicizes the Foundation Beyond Belief’s page for donations to disaster relief in the Philippines.
The Foundation Beyond Belief is launching a new Humanist Crisis Response for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan, which has been rated as the most powerful storm ever recorded by the US Navy’s Joint Typhoon Warning Center. The power of this storm is mind-blowing, sustained winds of 195 mph and gusts up to 235 — with 10 million people in its path. The aftermath is absolutely devastating. After much research, FBB decided on the Citizens Disaster Response Center as the beneficiary. They’re based in the Philippines and on the ground already. Any help you can give is obviously very badly needed. You can find a link to donate here. Every dollar will go to the CDRC. It isn’t enough to be anti-religion; if we are serious about our humanist principles, we must put them into action and help others whenever possible.
Helping people isn’t one of the Ten Commandments. So much the worse for the Ten Commandments.
OT: another article that might interest you Ophelia http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/women-who-have-abortions-deserve-to-die-doctor-says-20131111-2xcg7.html
I just gave them my donation. I hope that being based in the Phillipines doesn’t mean that they are unable to operate due to getting wacked along with everyone else.