
  1. left0ver1under says

    I wonder how christians would respond if someone said, “jesus was into rough trade”.

  2. Ant (@antallan) says

    At the Last Supper … 

    Judas: More wine, Master?
    Jesus: No.
    Judas: Oh, g’wan. You know you want to.


  3. sailor1031 says

    Total rubbish; complete fraud. They didn’t have suits of armour like that until centuries later. The whole thing looks photoshopped to me.

  4. UnknownEric the Apostate says

    I wonder how christians would respond if someone said, “jesus was into rough trade”.

    He liked the early stuff, but felt that, post-Smiths, the label went in a too-mainstream direction. Same thing with Creation.

    /obscure indie humour

  5. CaitieCat says

    @8: I used to have a button that drove my mother crazy in the early 80s: “If it ain’t STIFF it ain’t worth a fuck!”

    Also, Rough trade. Got to hang out with several of them one night at a gay club in Toronto in the early 90s. Nice bunch of folk.

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