Don’t say this is not Islam

Syrian rebels executed a 14-year-old boy for insulting Islam.


When a 14-year-old boy from the Syrian city of Aleppo named Mohammad Qatta was asked to bring one of his customers some coffee, he reportedly refused, saying, “Even if [Prophet] Mohammed comes back to life, I won’t.”

A group of Islamist rebels, driving by in a black car, reportedly heard the exchange. They stopped the car, grabbed the boy and took him away.

Qatta, in refusing to serve a customer coffee – it’s not clear why – had used a phrase that the Islamist rebels took as an insult toward the Prophet Mohammed, the most important figure in Islam. That offhand comment, made by a boy, was apparently enough for these rebels to warrant a grisly execution and public warning.

When they brought him back to where they’d taken him, his head was wrapped by a shirt.

The rebels waited for a crowd to gather; Qatta’s parents were among them. Speaking in classical Arabic, they announced that Qatta had committed blasphemy and that anyone else who dared insult the Prophet Mohammed would share his fate. Then, the shirt still wrapped around the boy’s head, the rebels shot him in the mouth and neck.

Why did the boy refuse to serve them coffee? Asia news says, they wanted coffee for free, so the boy protested.

Islam inspires Muslims to be barbaric, cruel and inhumane. But all Muslims are not cruel. The credit should not go to Islam. Islam has nothing to do with Muslims being kind, or not cruel enough to kill people. The credit should go to those Muslims who prevent themselves from being cruel because they are somehow influenced by the principles of democracy and the concept of human rights.

This is true Islam that kills people whoever criticizes Islam the religion, Allah the god and Muhammad the prophet. The prophet started killing infidels in the 7th century. His followers have been proudly continuing the killing in the 21st century. They wish to continue till the day of judgment.


  1. says

    Dear Writer
    I always feel sorry for you because of your frustration which is very obvious through your naive articles. Not articles but a bunch of less authentic meaningless lines. The boy who was killed brutally by those savages, was also a Muslim. Likewise Salman Taseer(Martyr), the ex-Punjab Governor was also a Muslim. Why do you always cry and come up with anti-Islamic stuff?
    Those Islamist portray that all the shit they’re doing is preached by Islam but in reality they’ve nothing to do with Islam. Why don’t you spend sometime in reading about the teachings of Islam! Islam never ever says anything like this. You put STUFF on your blog with investigating. Please be authentic. Adapt an Inside-out approach. First correct yourself then go on to re-engineering the religions. Right!

    Now answer some of my questions.
    The guy who dropped ‘Fat Boy’ on Herochima and Nagasaki was a Muslim? and May Islam motivated him to nuke the Japs!
    Hitler also followed Islam?
    Islam told White men to butcher Red Indians in America?

    Hope this time you won’t use non-parliamentary language in response as you did last time.

    God Bless You

    • Agni_B says

      No one disputing killings of Hitler Red Indian or using N. bombs and this is NOT the issue here

      Why are you defending Muslim barbarism in the past and present.? Muslims killed more
      than Hitler in the name of Islam. You don’t have to look very far, check Indian history.
      A ‘hindu holocaust’ similar to Jews and Red Indian instigated by Muslim

      She has read your Quran and discarded it. . It is advisable that you read Quran yourself before accusing her of Re engineering.

      Quran sanction killing of non believer, cant be disputed. The follower of Islam just following instruction from your holy book. If they doing shit (according to you) then your holy can be book classified as same. Her assessment is correct and commendable.

      Just grow up with reality

    • says

      What on earth are you talking about, Waqar Rizvi? All religions predominantly harm their own adherents, simply because those are the people closest to hand. Muslim holy bullies predominantly harm other Muslims because most of the people Muslim holy bullies live next to are other Muslims. Likewise Christians, Jews, Hindus etc.

      These particular holy bullies explicitly said they were going to kill the boy for not being a sufficiently devout Muslim, and then they actually did so. This is a murder explicitly committed by Muslims, for Muslim reasons, and the fact that the victim was also a Muslim does not change that.

      Now, for sure, it may not be your version of Islam that condones this sort of violence, but Islam is not a monolith. It is a vast, sprawling religion with peaceful people at one end of the scale, and theocratic murderers at the other end. They pray to the same god that you do, they venerate the same prophet, they read the same holy books, and they are able to justify their behaviour with reference to their Muslim holy texts. That you are able to also justify non-violence by reference to the same texts does not necessarily mean that your interpretation is correct, rather it suggests that the texts are so contradictory and incoherent that you can justify whatever position you want by cherry-picking the bits you want to cherry-pick.

        • No One says

          David Hart presented the same argument that Taslima presented. Why then do you appreciate his argument and not hers. Is it because she is a woman? Your arguments however barely address this issue and go veering off into unrelated incidents. I am not impressed.

          May logic, reason and scholarship clear your vision.

          • Tirtha Mukherjee says

            I am not a Muslim. I am a Hindu. Just to make it clear.
            This post focuses on the violence and brutality of Muslims, and not Islam. We have had violent people in every religion. The Crusades were decades of war and debauchery in the name of Christianity. Similarly, there have been many wars fought in the name of Islam. But it must be clarified, that Islam in itself, has never promoted violence. The people, the rebels who have committed the above mentioned act, and many others who continue doing so, are merely brainwashed by certain groups within the Islamic community, who distort the message of Islam and use it to destroy lives. The Holy Quran never mentions or encourages such atrocities. It must be realised where and how the religions such as Islam developed. In the midst of the deserts, within nomadic and violent tribes, suddenly there came a man, the Prophet, who tried to show the people there the path towards civilised living. Now, in such a social structure, slowly the message of Islam was distorted and moulded into each thinking group’s weapon and license to do as they pleased.

            “Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors.”

            The above line from the Holy Quran is forgotten by many, who only use the first half to their advantage. When the Quran mentions that fight those who go against your religion, it must not be taken out of context. The Quran was written in the 7th Century. A time of tumult and hostility in the region, wherein the only way one could unite the people was through the word of faith, in a higher being. Please do not get me wrong, I am not discrediting the existence of God/Allah, but just pointing out the historical significance behind these events. It is indeed sad that the words of the Holy Quran are made to inspire such brutality in the minds of people. A good Muslim is the same as a good Christian, a good Hindu, a good Jew, etc. Similarly a bad Muslim is the same as a bad Christian or a Hindu. In the end it only remains what we are as human beings. Be good, do good. Do not do anything, or behave in a way to anyone, in a way you would not want someone else to behave with you. Remember that. All religions profess love. None promote hate. Don’t get the wrong message. We have enough of hate in this world. It’s time to put a stop to it.

            Peace 🙂

          • Grant says

            @Tirtha Mukherjee (sorry no reply to your last comment possible)
            Correction – The Crusades were a defencive / retaliatory action brought about by centuries of islamic incursions / forceful occupation into parts of Western Europe

        • Amit says

          Chatts Waqar Rizvi………..are you bonded labor that your office time hasn’t ended yet to answer David? Islam is not only violent but intellectually bankrupt. All the criminals entered Islamic fold and your are their offspring.

      • Sharone says

        The exact same thing can be said about the Bible. ” That you are able to also justify non-violence by reference to the same texts does not necessarily mean that your interpretation is correct, rather it suggests that the texts are so contradictory and incoherent that you can justify whatever position you want by cherry-picking the bits you want to cherry-pick.” Yet you don’t see nearly as many people going around & saying “We need to stop Christianity, this brutal, heartless religion that kills people in the name of God!” etc.

        I think the point is that just because someone killed a person (or people) in the name of their religion, doesn’t mean it is the fault of the religion, it is the fault of that person & their mental instability. Most religions preach peace & understanding & the stuff that gets interpreted as the right to kill is usually misinterpreted. Ive never read any books on Islam either, and I can’t say, but I’ve known lots of Muslims and they aren’t any more violent than the Christians that I know.


          Being an athiest and discarded all the cradle to grave brainwashing that has.been passed down from generation to generation i say islam is crap,Christianity is crap,judism is crap….but mohamed.and the unwashed assholes who love him are the BIGGEST PIECE OF.SHIT ON THE FUCKING PLANET…..RELIGION OF PEACE MY ASS….THE SO CALLED PEACEFUL ONES DON’T SAY SHIT ABOUT THE VIOLENCE OF ISLAM..WHY THEY’RE AFRAID OF RETALIATION BY THE NUT FACTION IN EVERY MOSQUE. ..SCREW MOHAMED..

      • Tim Rollins says

        We don’t have the same god. My God is the creator of the Universe and everything in it. You worship a moon-deity.

    • Ashu says

      I think you don’t know Islam at all. I read Quran and more than 60% is about what to do to Kafirs and to those who insult Islam. It is very direct no hidden meaning and if you cannot understand that then you need a Mental Hospital.

    • armino says

      the ‘real’ islam as you might call it is far more barbaric than any article could ever convey-this is not a religion anyways-a profitable prophet scheme dreamt up by an illiterate shepherd and enforced through brutal coercion is nothing but a death cult…you are not just unfortunate to be born into it but also have the disadvantage of not being allowed by your community’s mental environment to perceive it as what it truly is…

    • Ravish says

      You can’t compare such killings with other incidents. Try comparing the other incidents when the reason was religion. Actually Religion is too small thing to kill someone for.

    • Glea Sutterfield says

      Waqar Rizvi, you are a LIAR.

      I could prove your lies and cite many passage from your hateful quran, but frankly, I have already wiped my ass with it and don’t want to get my hands or anus dirty again.

      When you tell your bald-faced lies like this it proves how uncivilized and unworthy you and your immoral allah (and his child-molesting prophet Muhammed) are of a peaceful welcoming into the modern world Community.

      Waqar Rizvi is a lying muslim telling the lies of islam and its lying prophet Muhammed..

      If you are insulted by what i’ve said… I don’t care.
      If you want to do something about it. I’ll send you my address.

    • dazza says

      fuck you you friggin rag head they are murdering scum end of … muhammad sucks donkey balls what are you gonna do about me saying that? your prophet is a child molesting queer fuck ! fact ! dirty filthy scum the world will be better when ALL radical muslims are wiped out, an injection of morphine in every joint of the body, then start to smah every joint in their body with a large sledge hammer ! no pain ,let them watch ,no pain, let them recite the bogroll bible the qurran, and let the morphine wear off and watch them scream themselves to death ! unless allah shows up to save them ?? stupid donkey fucking inbred morons.. 14 years old shot through the head and neck ,how fucking digusting ,you will not win you filthy allah fucking scum muhammad has a speech impediment thats why you got it all wrong !!assholes !

    • dazza says

      kbhkjhgjkbmnvjvhjvhfujgkjbklnhlhklh nna dkjgfjfhydhgklh fuck you you friggin rag head they are murdering scum end of … muhammad sucks donkey balls what are you gonna do about me saying that? your prophet is a child molesting queer fuck ! fact ! dirty filthy scum the world will be better when ALL radical muslims are wiped out, an injection of morphine in every joint of the body, then start to smah every joint in their body with a large sledge hammer ! no pain ,let them watch ,no pain, let them recite the bogroll bible the qurran, and let the morphine wear off and watch them scream themselves to death ! unless allah shows up to save them ?? stupid donkey fucking inbred morons.. 14 years old shot through the head and neck ,how fucking digusting ,you will not win you filthy allah fucking scum muhammad has a speech impediment thats why you got it all wrong !!assholes !

    • Jetzkie says

      You spend so much time defending Islam but 0 time preventing violence caused by it. How insane of you to imply yourself as righteous with a righteous religion. You’re just a bigot man. Try to accept it and you’ll find reality, not delusions.

    • phil liquor says

      ALL MOOSLEMS follow a pedophile false prophet.. islam is a failed religion from the start. Muhammad was also a murderer.

    • Aryk says


      Harry Truman (non muslim) used the A-bombs on Japan to end the war in the Pacific with as few lives lost as possible. Was it right? Obviously he thought so. You and I have the luxury of forming our opinions on the matter without any of the responsibility he faced.
      Where Hitler was concerned, he was a great admirer of Islam. Hitler commented on his belief that Islam may be his “world religion” after the war was won. Hitler also formed a Islamic division to fight for the reich in Africa. So while Hitler was not muslim, he had a great love of the faith.
      And lastly the slaughter of Native Americans by whites. Arrogance comes in all colors and creeds. The arrogance shown by the early Americans is not new to the world. The Ottoman Empire, The Huns, The Roman Empire, Napoleonic France, The British Empire, The Nazi Reich, The Persian Empire etc. And now arrogant muslims think they’ll convert the world through violent terrorist acts. Unfortunately brother, if you’re right and there are peace loving muslims who just want to live side by side with other cultures, non muslims can’t afford to trust in that. The enemies of peace wear no uniforms. The terrorist look just like you. Civilian clothes, average every day Joe’s. Till they strike. So untill you can convince these animals to put on a uniform feelings about islam aren’t gonna change in a positive way.

    • Ghaliyaa Haq says

      Isn’t it something though??? I am amazed at the fact that she calls herself a “Human rights activist.” Please!! Anyone who is that – I know because I happen to be one – does not go around hating and writing lies about an entire religion of 1.8 Billion people.

      >Taslima Nasreen, an award-winning writer, physician, secular humanist and human rights activist, is >known for her powerful writings on women oppression and unflinching criticism of religion, despite forced >exile and multiple fatwas calling for her death

      I do not believe this is true. I just do not. There is a difference between criticism and outright slamming a religion, too..

      >prize for Promotion of the Tolerance and Non-violence in 2005.

      Tolerance? How is this tolerance? How is slamming Islam tolerance, I wonder? Using lies no less!

      I do not understand how someone can so easily go around and spread hate like this.. but I will say that Allah knows… and I think you should fear Allah… you don’t believe in him but… he is very much there and I guess you’ll find out in the afterlife….

    • left0ver1under says

      You attack the critics instead of criticizing the murderous thugs. Clearly, you support and enjoy the violence.

    • Jitendra says

      Here are some ”Peace imparting”‘ lines from Islam from Quran ——A book of muslims
      Quran (48:29) – “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard (ruthless) against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves” Islam is not about treating everyone equally. There are two very distinct standards that are applied based on religious status. Also the word used for ‘hard’ or ‘ruthless’ in this verse shares the same root as the word translated as ‘painful’ or severe’ in verse 16.

      Quran (4:76) – “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…”

      Quran (4:89) – “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever you find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”

      Quran (8:59-60) – “And let not those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allah’s Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape. Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy.”
      Quran (17:16) – “And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true against it, so We destroy it with utter destruction.”

    • Mehdi says

      You sir, are blind.

      Instead of pointing the blaming finger towards the writer, maybe you should point it towards the people who committed the act of violence, instigate it or just approve it.

      If you were not blind to plain truth you would see that as long as muslims allow themselves to be manipulated by hate filled preachers incidents such as this will continue. And you will continue to state that “this is not islam”.

      News for you brother; it is. If Islam was a religion of peace, then there would not be conflicts between Islam and everything else in the world.

  2. says

    Blasphemy laws are more trouble than they are worth. ‘Blasphemy’ is just a catch-all offence which gives the strong
    an excuse to harm the weak and to claim they are doing the common good.

  3. Francisco Bacopa says

    I experienced similar violence from Christian radicals. Fortunately in the US in the mid 1970’s Christian radicals knew they needed to hold back from using lethal force, so I didn’t get murdered. like Qatta did. They just broke my jaw.

    But we must always remember that authoritarian religious fundamentalists want the power to kill the dissenters on the spot. When they have it, they do it. This is what the fundies envy. This is what they dream of.

    • human says

      ^^yeah.. it seems to be the ultimate goal of most religions.. to have ultimate power, and whenever/wherever it is put to practice.. you will see the same kind of things happen.. suggestions and actions that will permanently silence anyone that speaks up against the religion.. in places where there is a lot of religious influence already, where religion already has a lot of power and not much that can resist it, then you will see brutal murders like this… in other places, where you can not simply murder people for not agreeing, then manipulation of politics and laws are put to use to give the religious rights that goes beyond what is fair or reasonable.. and the US is a perfect example of that, and now the anti gay or blasphemy laws passed in Russia demonstrates the same kind of thing.. and whenever you see one rule get passed, there will be tests to see if there can be more.. and it always point and leads to give religion ultimate power.. and history has proven that it again and again leads to horrible acts “in the name of” the religion… most if not all religion wants to become bigger and bigger, but when there are goals like that, peace is never possible.. and a religion can only be called peaceful, if it is followed by people that strictly keep it to themselves, where it can not in any form or way interfere with other people… and Islam or Christianity is certainly not like that., they are essentially the opposite of peaceful, at the core they would by definition be violent.. and it can not be in anyway without cherry picking.. but then you are no longer a follower of that religion, you are instead follower of your own personal ideals, where you have added a few religious ideas to give it a religious theme.. but it is still no longer actually true to the real religion… cherry picked ideas can never be a true representation of the full picture.. the full picture is represented by how it affects the rest of the world, and if there is even just one single horrid act, it would no longer be qualified fit fit a description of being “peaceful” …but it is not just one act, it has a long history of countless horrible acts done in the name of the religion.. it can not be ignored or denied, and saying “but it does good things too” and giving examples of that, will never excuse the bad things…. and especially not since none of the good things are so unique that we can not have it without religion… people saying “it does good things too” are basically saying “here’s some good things that you can have with religion… now, you can have them without religion, but if you accept religion, you get all of these nasty things as well” …there is absolutely no sane reason to accept the bad with the good, if you can reject the first crazy suggestion and take the good only… you don’t have to cut of your feet off just to remove a shoe that makes your feet ache……. but religion is often about cutting off those feet so they can sell them crutches.

  4. Hasibullah says

    About the thing happened with that boy the only thing I have to say as a Muslim is, I strongly appreciate what has been done, some Muslims might have heard the story of a Non-Muslim and a Muslim who had a dispute on a peace of land, the Muslim guy was trying to grasp the peace of land from the Non-Muslim guy and to prove that the land was from the Non-Muslim guy and not of the Muslim guy they decided to go to Muhammad Peace Be upon him, when they went to Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, Muhammad peace be upon him agreed with what Non-Muslim said about the land and introduced the Non-Muslim guy the real owner of the Land and said to Non-Muslim to ask him for apologize and give him back his land, the Muslim guy said, No, I disagree with what Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him said and he decided to go to Omar (May Allay be pleased with him) cause he (the Muslim guy) believed Omar (May Allah Be Pleased with him) was a bit serious and he would give the right to Muslim due to discrimination of religion, the Non-Muslim and Muslim guy went to Omar (May Allah Be Pleased With Him), and told him the story to convince Omar (May Allah Be Pleased with him) that the land was from the Muslim guy and not of the Non-Muslim…. suddenly the Non-Muslim told Omar about what Muhammad Peace Be upon Him had judged about the land, and as Omar heard that the Muslim guy had rejected what was said by Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, the light of all human-beings’ path, he brought out his sword and cut the head of the Muslim guy and give back the land to Non-Muslim guy and the Non-Muslim guy seeing the judgement of the Muslim came to Islam and became Muslim.

    hopefully point is clear

    • Agni_B says

      You are in a wrong forum.

      This is not a story telling BLOG- don’t know what the fu…. you babbling about.

      Why u repeat like an Arab parrot -‘peace be upon him’- Why does he need peace?
      Is Mohamed in hell now?

      A zombie, lost his own mental faculty. A good illustration of Islamic indoctrination.

      • Hasibullah says

        Whenever we hear the name of our Holy Prophet Muhammad, it is a must for us to add (Peace Be Upon Him to it) and in Arabic words,it is Sal Allah o Alaihe wa Salam

        • Look in plain site says

          It is understood why you say pbuh; Agni_b’s statement went right over your head. Why would a dead person need peace to be upon them?? it makes it annoying to read with that stuttering each time you say someone’s name. If you think that little story is to convince anyone, your really are living in the dark ages. Cutting off someone’s head because they are trying to get land that isn’t theirs is so barbaric and extreme!

    • Jockaira says

      and as Omar heard that the Muslim guy had rejected what was said by Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, the light of all human-beings’ path, he brought out his sword and cut the head of the Muslim guy and give back the land to Non-Muslim guy and the Non-Muslim guy seeing the judgement of the Muslim came to Islam and became Muslim.

      hopefully point is clear

      Non-Muslim guy certainly got the point: If you disagree with Muhammad then you lose your head. A very efficient way to end an argument or difference of opinion.

    • Rooty Tooty says

      I can’t even read that. Obviously Islam prohibits followers to use grammar and punctuation. My eyes hurt….

  5. rrkhaleel says

    The book is good but there are errors in it, instead of corrections still following the same, making it more erraneous. If islam represents peace, then why muslim kings demolished so many temples in India. What these temples did to them. Hindus build temples with their own funds, what is the necessity to demolish them……there so many questions against islam,for them is no answer…..v can say only scrap of the society…

    • Hasibullah says

      there should be an answer, I’ll let u know in time, I’m a bit busy these days, otherwise I would keep staying within the forum and answer most of your questions, even though I am a 21 year old boy, but still would try my best to stop all these rumors of stupid people….I believe in Allah and one day will come that you’ll all regret from what you were saying and what you did……

      so sorry for all Non-Muslims

      • No One says

        Yes you are a 21 year old boy. I am an older man and have seen and experienced a bit more of life than you have. The 14 year old boy being shot in the face by a radical islamist because of what he said is unacceptable. They did this in full view of his parents. This is what happens when authoritarians have power. Islam, in this period of time, easily lends itself to abuse. If islam wants to be regarded as the religion of peace it has to earn earn that title. If you think what happened to the boy is wrong then say so. Explain why it is wrong not just to us kaffirs, (we already are saying it’s wrong) but to the radicals infesting your religion. Your religion is an authoritarian instrument, like fundamentalist christianity, judaism, or radical Communism. Your religion has not as Lawrence Krauss put it ” … produced a Hadron Collider”.

        Try and see past the brainwashing your imam has given you and see the world as it really is. It is a wonderful place with much to explore and learn.

        I believe in Allah and one day will come that you’ll all regret from what you were saying and what you did……

        so sorry for all Non-Muslims

        The quote above is a very childish threat. I hesitate to think what you would do if we were face to face and you were armed. Perhaps you need to reflect deeper within yourself about your authoritarian tendencies.

  6. lostintime says

    Dear Waqar Rizvi,
    you are an obscenely disingenuous troll, and the “writer’s” name is Taslima.

    I always feel sorry for you because of your frustration which is very obvious through your naive articles. Not articles but a bunch of less authentic meaningless lines. The boy who was killed brutally by those savages, was also a Muslim. Likewise Salman Taseer(Martyr), the ex-Punjab Governor was also a Muslim. Why do you always cry and come up with anti-Islamic stuff?

    Because Islam is vile and inhumane.

    Those Islamist portray that all the shit they’re doing is preached by Islam but in reality they’ve nothing to do with Islam

    Then why do they cite the quran chapter and verse before and after they commit atrocities like this?

    Why don’t you spend sometime in reading about the teachings of Islam! Islam never ever says anything like this. You put STUFF on your blog with investigating. Please be authentic. Adapt an Inside-out approach. First correct yourself then go on to re-engineering the religions. Right!

    The children who are brainwashed by that odious book and it’s evil message in madrassas across the Islamic world would disagree with you. They know the quran much better than you do, and however you choose to interpret the religion, it’s just not empirically true that Islam has ever been a force for peace or tolerance in the world.

    Now answer some of my questions. The guy who dropped ‘Fat Boy’ on Herochima and Nagasaki was a Muslim? and May Islam motivated him to nuke the Japs!
    Hitler also followed Islam?
    Islam told White men to butcher Red Indians in America?

    Is this even an argument? Why do you bother posting here?

    God Bless You

    Go fuck yourself.

    • says

      Being a Shia Muslim I’ve always advocated Peace and Love, Equality of Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jews and simply all Human beings. For we all belong to the same race ie Human Beings. I condemn what so called Muslims(Wahabis and Salafists) extremists are doing around the world.

      By cursing my beliefs and using abusive language you’re definitely offending me but I can understand it’s out of what you’ve perceived about Islam through the evil deeds of those Terrorists. But Dear! Remember cursing Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W , Quran or me won’t help you to eradicate Terrorism of those Salafists. Don’t you feel the need of doing something to stop them from killing innocent people.

      I have all the answers to convince a person who want to KNOW the reality instead of believing. But it’s like your heart and mind are condemned by your Lord. You will never understand or accept the reality. So let it.

      You abused me but still I don’t have any hatred in my heart for you. Learn to respect others beliefs and do not crush your personality by using such a language.

      God Bless You

      • No One says


        the person abused is the young man who had a hole put in his face. His picture is at the top of this blog post. He was shot because he was perceived to have insult one of islams religious figures. That or because he did not give a free coffee. It is indeed difficult to parse authoritarian motives at times.

        I have all the answers to convince a person who want to KNOW the reality instead of believing. But it’s like your heart and mind are condemned by your Lord. You will never understand or accept the reality. So let it.

        You do not have all the answers. That you claim this shows that you are either deluded or deceitful. Probably both. You are lying to yourself, and trying to convince us that your lie true.

        “Were is islams Hadron Collider?” – Lawrence Krauss

  7. Hasibullah says

    About the thing happened with that boy the only thing I have to say as a Muslim is, I strongly appreciate what has been done, some Muslims might have heard the story of a Non-Muslim and a Muslim who had a dispute on a peace of land, the Muslim guy was trying to grasp the peace of land from the Non-Muslim guy and to prove whom the land belonged to they decided to go to Muhammad Peace Be upon him, when they went to Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, Muhammad peace be upon him agreed with what Non-Muslim said about the land and introduced the Non-Muslim guy the real owner of the Land and said to Muslim guy to ask him for apologize and give him back his land, the Muslim guy said, No, I disagree with what Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him said and he decided to go to Omar (May Allay be pleased with him) cause he (the Muslim guy) believed Omar (May Allah Be Pleased with him) was a bit serious and he would give the right to Muslim because Omar was Muslim himself and the Muslim guy thought he’ll get angry at Non-Muslim guy and would give the land to me, but best thing here is ‘there is no discrimination in islam’, the Non-Muslim and Muslim guy went to Omar (May Allah Be Pleased With Him), and the Muslim guy started and told him the story to convince Omar (May Allah Be Pleased with him) that the land was from the Muslim guy and not of the Non-Muslim…. suddenly the Non-Muslim interupted the Muslim guy and told Omar about what Muhammad Peace Be upon Him had judged about the land, and as Omar heard that the Muslim guy had rejected what was said by Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, the light of all human-beings’ path, he brought out his sword and cut the head of the Muslim guy and give back the land to Non-Muslim guy and the Non-Muslim guy seeing the judgement of the Muslims (judgement of Omar in that situation), came to Islam and became Muslim.

    Sorry for mistakes in the first one, I’m submitting my comments using my phone and it is hard to read it back when it is in comments body! Hope it doesn’t have those flaws any more

    Hope you’ll all finally understand what is right and what is wrong!

    This is not a story telling blog but this is a lesson more than a story it is a real thing happened and you have got the same path to go otherwise the path you are at would take you to hell

    • No One says

      I’m sorry, where we supposed to be impressed by this “just so” story? Was it necessary to kill a man over a land dispute? That you are impressed by beheading as a solution to a civil dispute, and feel the need to share it with us is chilling.

      Hope you’ll all finally understand what is right and what is wrong!

      Shooting a 14 year old boy in the face is wrong. Beheading an individual over a land dispute is wrong. Assuming that you have the “high moral ground” is wrong. I’m glad you have a cell phone with an internet connection. Perhaps exposing yourself to the world at large will make you a better person.

  8. Fonda says

    I’m an Atheist. I would never hurt a fly. Have never killed anyone. Hell, I’d rather help someone cross the street. Let me get this straight. You think I’M going to hell?! I feel sorry for every single one of you that believes in a God. How limiting that must be.

  9. Anti theist says

    Waqar’s first statement is right. We should condemn all religions, completely eradicate them all to ensure all of these daily abominations end. No one should have to suffer because of somebody’s imaginary friend. No group of people should be oppressed because your holy fairy stories command it. No humans rights should be violated because they don’t believe in the ‘right’ god. The idea of a god should be committed to history, we should instead move forwards growing as a species, doing right by one another, learning to live with one another.

  10. Michael Olsson says

    Waqar Rizvi, please spare us your psychobabble religious bullshit. This act has nothing to do with religion! To kill someone just because you feel they have insulted you, is still barbaric and unacceptable, no matter which religion one prescribes to. Islam, as well all other religion, are man-made concepts to control the masses. And quite frankly, your rantings about islam and muslims, have nothing to do with this heinous act. It is humanity, or rather inhumanity that we’re addressing here. And this act that was inhumane, regardless of religion or the lack thereof!

    • says

      @Michael Olsson ! I guess you didn’t read my comments carefully. I was on the same line. I only criticized the writer because she, on one hand talks about being tolerant and non violent while on the other hand spreads hatred since she has learned to use a keyboard and computer. Look at the degree of hypocrisy over here. She always criticizes rather slams Islam but u know what she doesn’t have the least knowledge about anything. She never studies anything rather sees a picture on the TV for 10 seconds and starts writing and always her topic is “Islam is a religion of Trolls’
      It’s just her hatred for Islam that compels her to write otherwise it’s not out of her knowledge or research.
      We all are human and Terrorists have no religion. All terrorists are same irrespective of any religion they belong to. Tell me one thing! If Islam teaches hatred or terrorism then why most of those killed by terrorists are Muslims?
      See the situation of Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, iraq where 100s of 1000s of Shia Muslims are butchered by Wahabis and Salafists just like this poor boy. Wahabis and Salafists only use the name of Islam while they’re actually terrorists. Why don’t you people understand this fact that we are the victims and those terrorists have hijacked the name of our religion and to sm extent the whole religion.
      Please think about it.

  11. trajan says

    the issue is not Islam, Christianity, Judaism or any “religion” — humanity is to blame. Accept the fact that some human beings simply enjoy being cruel, vicious and hurting other human beings and animals in any way that presents itself; physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. Human beings are to blame for atrocities, period. Looking for excuses as to why is just that; looking for excuses.

  12. Reality Setsin says

    little raghead would have grown up to be a terrorist anyway, good riddance, they can kill each other all day long and I’ll be happy as a clam. Fuck mohammed, fuck god, fuck jesus and all the other fictional fairy tale characters that the weak-minded pray to.

    • No One says

      “little raghead would have grown up to be a terrorist anyway, good riddance”

      Which you have zero evidence for. Goes to show that atheism is not the panacea. A more educated guess would be that left alone the 14 year old boy would have grown up to be a coffee shop owner. I feel for his parents who had to watch his death. I would more say; “fuck authoritarians of all stripes who use any form of dogma to white wash their selfish agenda’s as ‘pure’ “. Including racism.

  13. Monty Ferbert says

    Why is it you defend Islam with statements that only proves Islam is a butcher den of thiefs and liars.

    You believe it’s okay to kill a child just so you can have your coffee freue of charge. Then you go off and fuck little girls.. Oh then rape young boys. But that is okay because it’s all in the name of allah right? wrong.

    Then Islam tries to bring it’s hatred and bigoted bullshit to america. You fly planes into the world trade center and kill thousands of people. But yes that is justified because your group of peace. I’ve never heard so much bullshit in my life.

    Talk about hibocrits. And the Islam kids pray to a book without even being able to read what is in it. Oh and less respect a phophet that is a queer and not allowed to be shown pictures of.

    Then how does one insult the unseen prophet. give me a break Islam is evil and sick period.

    Death to all Islam uand all Muslims.

    After all it’s death to all infidels right. So in self defense I say I have the right to kill you before you kill me.

    An for an eye and a tooth for a tooth seems you only respect the Laws of nature and violence.

    So Islam begets what it has sewn,

    Take a hard look at Islam before you say Wicca and christian’s are evil .

  14. Hoppel Hase says

    ISLAM always was, is and will be just: DUMB; PRIMITIVE; VILOENT; WOMENHATING; PEDOPHILE.

    And these crazies shall be supported by the West? No, Assad should take care of them!

  15. Sofia Kelley says

    Islam does not inspire Muslims to be barbaric cruel and inhumane. Extremism does, get ri right or continue being ignorant. That boy didn’t deserve that, and it’s a complete tragedy but most Muslims are peaceful peaceful who are sick of being stereotyped because of the of insurgents and extremists.

    I’m half Muslim and half Irish. I’ve shed more blood for this country than I care to admit. I’ve been shot for my country and have fought for my country. I’m an American and proud to be so, but I won’t tolerate pure ignorance.

  16. John M says

    There is a point worth to make here and this is coming from a Christian that was born and lived in a Muslim country. The reason moderate Muslims are usually silent or defend the undefendable acts of barbarism of other Muslims is FEAR. Islam is a work of evil and evil rules by fear. You are talking to people that can’t change their religion or say anything against it, otherwise it becomes a duty of other Muslims to kill them. How would you expect them to think freely and speak candidly? My word to fellow muslims: Free yourself from FEAR. Then you will find peace.

  17. John Reynold says

    @Hasibullah. You said “I am a 21 year old boy”. NO you are a bastard. You belong to pedo Muhammad’s gang. Muhammad is fucked off and now in hell with his created gay partner namely Allah.

    • says


      Very interesting reading and I would definitely say that the 14 year old boy was murdered by Islamic beliefs. The alleged moderate Muslims have had plenty of time to distance themselves from the hyped up extremists and also to correct their true and peaceful interpretation of the Koran. It’s not fear that discourages the quiet Muslims to criticize the cowardly treatment of women and children, it’s actually encouragement.

      That young boy, was still under guidance from caring family and adults, was murdered, for cursing the fucked up self appointed descendants (may allah lick their scrotum) of the fucked up prophet, over a free coffee.

      It’s a global problem and Muslims murdering their own family members and children for a misconceived or wrongful interpretation of anybodies lifestyle.

      And are Muslims really refugees fleeing persecution so they need to migrate into Western Countries.

      Islam is absolutely fucked up for everyone and let’s start exterminating this cancer of the free world.


  18. Wish good for you says

    Islam is a religion. It teaches humans to live their lives to the most and in the best way possible.
    Muslims are HUMAN BEINGS who try to practice its teachings. And humans are very much prone to making mistakes. So please do not judge Islam by the actions of these humans. If you want to actually know what Islam is then try to read and understand the Quran with an unbiased mind and heart.

    And for those of you who have provided a reference from the Quran to support your idea that islam only believes in killing the non-believers, I would like to bring to your notice – Allah the Almighty permitted Muslims to fight the non-believers ONLY when they were oppressed. As it is proved below:

    “Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.” [Al-Qur’an 2:190-191]
    This verse relates to the time when the muslims were thrown out of their lands(i.e. Makkah) for the sole reason that they believed in Islam. Those muslims were treated with the worst of behaviours and all their properties were snatched from them.

    And i suppose that some of you would know that fighting against aggressors was prohibited during the first thirteen years of the Prophet’s(peace be upon him) mission. After Muslims migrated to Medina, the verses above were revealed to enable the community to fight in self-defense. The verses that follow clearly indicate Islam’s prohibition on aggression and inclination towards peace:

    “But if they cease, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah; but if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression.” [Al-Qur’an 2:192-193]


    And I would also like to make it clear that Allah does not force anyone to accept islam and its teachings, for Islam also means submission and sincerity and these virtues cannot be forced upon any individual.

    The verse below is specifically in defense of religious freedom as the Glorious Qur’an says:

    “Let there be no compulsion in religion” [Al-Qur’an 2:256]

    I hope Allah grants His Guidance to those who read this.
    May the Almighty Allah bestow His guidance, peace and blessings over you.

    • John Reynold says

      @Wish good for you

      Rejecting coffee is an OPPRESSION against ISLAM ? Your ISLAMic SELF is so low and vulnerable, that you had to kill a mere 14 year old boy as DEFENSE ?

      (peace be upon him)
      Why do you people replay this verse for centuries? Are you programmed robots created by Mohammad?

      “Let there be no compulsion in religion” [Al-Qur’an 2:256]
      Really ? Then why there are bunch of islamic countries, where people are not allowed to practice their own religions freely. Who is hypocrite here Qur’an, you or are both?

      May the Almighty Allah bestow His guidance, peace and blessings over you.
      NO, I don’t need fucking Allah’s blessing. I am enough blessed by my surroundings and people. I don’t need special blessing from a fantasy god who is created by a bloody cave man.

      Wish good for you
      Who cares? You can wish whatever you want. But I’ll ignore as I know how evil you are, instead of criticizing killing of an innocent boy in the name of islam, you’re preaching here.

  19. galactus says

    The LORD strengthens my hands for war and my fingers for battle. His Name is above every name. His name is Yahweh. And His Son is returning with a sword not peace.

  20. pms says

    Some how I feel individual muslim people are good but as society they are always bias, crul and not justifiable. Just check in Africa boko harama, how they treated those 300 poor girl. Or check ISIS, how they kill all male, and old people and kidnap young girl for sex slavery. India face consistent barbarism form Islam religious since centuries. There was procedure called “Joher” in rajasthan, where women will do mass suicide and burn them on big fire, when they were knowing, there is no way to save town or village by invaders of Islam. Because they already experience what ISIS is doing today. Invaders of Islam will kill all male older then 6 years and distribute all young women between solders. What ISIS and Boko Harama, is doing, repeating since centuries. One historian count is saying there are 30% Hindus are converted in islam because of force, bribe, violence. Mostly one choice given, take Islam. So many Muslim mullah or educated people say. See N-bomb on Japan, Red-Indian in America, or how come renaming 70% Hindu still left etc. I will say, it will be more justifiable, if all this good Mulaha or educated people should oppose what wrong happen on name of Islam and apologies. Instead of pointing other bad thing, they should group, oppose and educate all barbaric people who are doing wrong thing on name of Islam.


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