The logic of science-3: The demise of infallibility

(For other posts in this series, see here.)

The idea of scientific infallibility, that the knowledge generated by science should be true and unchanging, suffered a series of blows in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that saw the repeated overthrow of seemingly well-established scientific theories with new ones. Even the venerable Newtonian mechanics, long thought to be unchallengeable, was a casualty of this progress. Aristotle’s idea that scientific truths were infallible, universal, and timeless, fell by the wayside, to be replaced with the idea that they were provisional truths, the best we had at the current time, and assumed to be true only until something better came along.
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The 44 chromosome man

Almost all human beings have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) and being born with an extra or missing one usually signifies that the person will have serious medical problems such as Down syndrome.

On the other hand, our close relatives the chimpanzees have 48 chromosomes (24 pairs). The chimps and us shared a common ancestor about 6-8 million years ago. So how did we end up with fewer? This is because about a million years ago, two of the 24 chromosomes in a human fused together end-to-end to form a single longer chromosome. Since the crucial genetic information in each chromosome was preserved by this fusion process, the organism could survive. The evidence suggests that it was chromosomes #12 and #13 that fused to form the present chromosome #2.

The interesting question is how that mutation might have occurred and why it took hold in the human population so that 46 chromosomes is now the standard.

In this fascinating article (sent to me by reader Fu DaYi), Barry Starr of Stanford University describes a recent discovery in China of a man who seems to have undergone a similar reduction process with chromosomes #14 and #15 becoming fused, and now has just 44 chromosomes (22 pairs). His case sheds light on how the chromosome reduction process might have occurred in our own ancestors.

Heart with no heartbeat

NPR had an interesting story on a new type of artificial heart. Older models had tried to replicate the human heart with its pumping mechanism but have been unable to create models that work without problems for a long time.

This new heart is radically different in that it foregoes the pumping action and has motors that continuously drive blood through the body. This makes for a much simpler design with less chance of breakdown. It seems as if the pumping action is not essential for the working of the body, though it is still early days and we do not have long-term data on the effects.

If the results hold up and a heart that beats is not really necessary, it means that the beating heart is a product of evolution that is functional but not optimal. This would illustrate once again that the processes of evolution do not necessarily produce the best design but merely a design that works. This will not be the first time that thinking that nature’s design is the best and trying to copy it has sent us in the wrong direction. Early experiments with flight tried to emulate the flapping wing action of birds with little luck.

What is kind of weird is that with this new artificial heart, there will be no heartbeat, no pulse, and the EKG signal will be a flat line. So the most common markers we currently use to see if someone is dead or alive would indicate that the person is dead.

The logic of science-2: Determining what is true

(For other posts in this series, see here.)

An important question in any area of knowledge is being able to identify what is true and what is false. The search for what is true and the ability to know when we have discovered truth is, after all, the Holy Grail of epistemology, because we believe that those things that are true are of lasting value while false statements are ephemeral, usually a waste of time and at worst harmful and dangerous.

Aristotle tried to make a clear distinction between those things that we feel we know for certain and are thus unchanging, and those things that are subject to change. The two categories were variously distinguished as knowledge versus opinion, reality versus appearance, or truth versus error. Aristotle made the crucial identification that true knowledge consisted of scientific knowledge, and his close association of scientific knowledge with truth has persisted through the ages. It also made the ability to distinguish between scientific knowledge and other forms of knowledge, now known as the demarcation problem, into an important question since this presumably also demarcates truth from error. (This brief summary of this history is taken from the essay The Demise of the Demarcation Problem by Larry Laudan which should be referred to for a fuller treatment.)
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The logic of science-1: The basic ideas

(For other posts in this series, see here.)

In the course of writing these blog posts, especially those dealing with religion, atheism, science, and philosophy, I have often appealed to the way that principles of logic are used in science in making my points. But these are scattered over many posts and I thought that I should collect and archive the ideas into one set of posts (despite the risk of some repetition) for easy reference and clarity. Besides, I haven’t had a multi-part series of posts in a long time, so I am due.

Learning about the principles of logic in science is important because you need a common framework in order to adjudicate disagreements. A big step towards in resolving arguments can be taken by either agreeing to a common framework or deciding that one cannot agree and that further discussion is pointless. Either outcome is more desirable than going around in circles endlessly, not realizing what the ultimate source of the disagreement is.
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Early eyes

A new article published today in Nature finds fossil evidence that fairly sophisticated eyes had evolved as early as 515 millions years ago, around the time known as the Cambrian explosion.

There were no fossil bodies found attached to the eyes, but the eyes probably belonged to a shrimp-like creature.

Myths about the Golden Ratio

Take a straight line. How should one divide the length into two parts such that the ratio of the length of the whole line to the longer segment is equal to the ratio of the longer segment to the shorter one? A little algebra gives you the result that longer segment should be 0.618 times the length of the whole line and thus the ratio of the full line to the longer segment is 1.618 (=1/0.618).

The number 1.618 is known as the ‘Golden Ratio’ and folklore ascribes deep significance to it and claims a ubiquity for it that far exceeds the reality.

Mathematician Keith Devlin tries to set the record straight.

Who am I?

In yesterday’s post, I wrote about the fact that different parts of our bodies keep regenerating themselves periodically. This fact alone should make nonsense of the belief of some religious people that our bodies become physically reconstituted after death in the afterlife, because if so, the resurrected body of a person who died at the age of 70 would be unrecognizably grotesque, consisting of around 70 livers and 7 full skeletons, all surrounded by hundreds, maybe thousands, of pounds of skin.

But leaving aside that, there is an interesting question raised by this constant regeneration of the body and that is how we retain a sense of having a single identity over our full life spans even as individual parts of us get replaced periodically. The average age of the molecules in my body is around 7 to 10 years and yet I have the strong sense of continuity, that I am in some fundamental sense the same person that I was as a child, even though almost none of those molecules have stayed with me over that time. How is it that we retain a strong sense of permanence in our identity while being so transient in our bodies?

The answer may lie in the fact that our brain seems to be the most permanent of our organs, undergoing little or no regeneration. In the same article in the New York Times that I referred to yesterday, Nicholas Wade says:

Dr. Frisen, a stem cell biologist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, has also discovered a fact that explains why people behave their birth age, not the physical age of their cells: a few of the body’s cell types endure from birth to death without renewal, and this special minority includes some or all of the cells of the cerebral cortex.

The cerebral cortex is the thin sheet that forms the outer layer of the brain and is divided up into several zones that have different functional roles. If the cortex were removed and smoothed out to eliminate all the creases and folds, it would look like a dinner napkin. It is gray in color, the origin of its popular euphemism of ‘gray matter’. The network of nerve cells in the brain (called neurons) determines how the brain functions.


While the brain seems to be the most enduring part of the body, even here there is variation. The cerebellum seems to contain non-neuronal cells that are close to the birth age (within three years or so) while the cerebral cortex (which is responsible for our cognitive capabilities and is thus most closely identified with our sense of self) has a slightly greater turnover of non-neuronal cells. But the researchers do not turn up any evidence that there is neuronal generation after birth, at least in the region known as the occipital cortex.

It was long believed that the number of neuronal connections in the brain grew rapidly during the first year or two of life and then got pruned and this was how our lives shaped our brains without new neurons being created. In 1999, there was research that found that new neurons were being created in the cerebral cortex of adult monkeys, suggesting that it could happen in adult humans too. This would complicate things somewhat as to how we retain a permanent sense of self but also provide hope that brains could regenerate. But this summary of later research (much of it by the same Karolinka group that I referred to yesterday) that appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says that this does not happen with the neurons in the human cerebral cortex. (The neocortex referred to in the paper is the most recently evolved part of the cortex that is defined as containing the ‘higher’ functions and are “arranged in six layers, within which different regions permit vision, hearing, touch, the sense of balance, movement, emotional responses and every other feat of cognition.”)

The results show that the average age of the neurons (with respect to the age of the individual) is age 0.0 ± 0.4 years, i.e., the same as the age of the individual. In contrast, the nonneuronal cells have an average birth date of 4.9 ± 1.1 years after the birth of the individual.

Both of the experiments of Bhardwaj et al. indicate that there are no new neurons, either long-lived or transient, produced in the adult human for the neocortex. Importantly, these experiments are quantitative and indicate a theoretical maximum limit of 1% on the proportion of new neurons made over a 50-year period.

Bhardwaj et al. settle a hotly contested issue, unequivocally. The two-pronged experimental approach clearly establishes (i) that there is little or no continuous production of new neurons for long-term addition to the human neocortex and (ii) that there are few if any new neurons produced and existing transiently in the adult human neocortex. Importantly, the results are quantitatively presented, and a maximum limit to the amount of production of the new neurons can be established from the data presented. The data show that virtually all neurons (i.e., >99%) of the adult human neocortex are generated before the time of birth of the individual, exactly as suggested by Rakic, and the inescapable conclusion is that our neocortical neurons, the cell type that mediates much of our cognition, are produced prenatally and retained for our entire lifespan. [My italics]

So basically, even though every other part of us gets sloughed off and replaced at different points in time, for good or bad we are pretty much stuck with the brains that we have at birth. This may be crucial to our ability to retain a sense of a permanent identity that lasts all through our lives, although this is not yet established. Even if new research emerges that new neuronal cells could be generated over time replacing older ones, it may turn out to be able to do this seamlessly and provide cognitive continuity, just the way our other organs give us the illusion of being permanent even though they are not.

It seems like our brains are our essential selves with the rest of our bodies just superstructure. Rene Descartes famously said “I think, therefore I am.” We could also say, “My brain is who I am.”