Creepy Trump fixates on the weirdest things

For some inexplicable reason, creepy Donald Trump fixates on the strangest things, like toilets, dishwashers, sharks, windmills, and so on. When it comes to Kamala Harris, he tried to make an issue out of whether she in Black or Asian. That did not catch on. Then he tried to make out that she is really stupid and has a low IQ. That did not catch on either. Now creepy Trump has decided that Kamala Harris’s claim that she worked at McDonalds when she was young is false because it does not say so in her resume, and that this should somehow be disqualifying. He has become obsessed with this and speaks about it frequently.

First of all who gives a damn about something so trivial? As young people, many of us did various short-term jobs to earn a little money. We did not think it worthwhile to include them in our resumes if they were not relevant to whatever position we were seeking later. In my own case, I spent a few months while in college in Sri Lanka tutoring a visiting Japanese Buddhist monk in spoken English. You will not find that anywhere in my resume because what would be the point in including that in my future career as a physicist? I would not be able to provide any proof now anyway since it was so long ago and I have lost touch with the monk. Why would I make up such an inconsequential story? You can believe it or disbelieve it but who cares?

And yet, creepy Trump decided to stage an event yesterday where he supposedly worked the deep fryer that makes French fries and scooped them into the little paper cups that they are served in. He then stood at the drive-thru window to give them to drivers and wave to the cameras. What exactly did that prove about whether Harris did this kind of job a long time ago? Nothing of course.

Jon Stewart discussed the McDonalds stunt, creepy Trump’s comments about Arnold Palmer’s genitals, and the much more disturbing things he has said recently about arresting his political opponents whom he calls “the enemy within”.

But as with most things involving creepy Trump, even this was mostly phony. It turned out that the McDonalds restaurant in question had been closed for the day to allow this stunt to take place. That is excusable on security grounds. But then it was revealed that the ‘customers’ who drove up to the window were hand-picked Republicans and that they even had a rehearsal of them driving up and getting their fries so that creepy Trump would be ‘ready for his close up’.

This is pathetic. His resemblance to the delusional Norma Desmond is getting ever more striking. But if he wants to waste his time in the last weeks of the campaign doing stuff like this that serves no discernible purpose, then perhaps we should encourage him.


  1. John Morales says

    First of all who gives a damn about something so trivial?

    Well, since you asked: people like you.

    In fact, you give a damn--and post about--someone who you thinks gives a damn about it, so your damn is second-hand.

    You care that someone cares about something trivial.


    What’s remarkable is how he gets treated as a potential president-in-waiting, and how he makes the news.


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