Katie Britt has now essentially confirmed that the story that she told in her response to Joe Biden’s State of the Union address was misleading in all the key details, as was exposed by journalist Jonathan Katz, though in typical MAGA fashion, still claims that it is ‘true’ in some unspecified sense.
Actor Scarlett Johansson did a brutally funny takedown of Britt on Saturday Night Live, capturing all her manic, hyper-dramatized mood swings.
Note perfect.
Yes, that was perfection! She captured the Fundie Baby Voice Britt put on just to appeal to the base (“see, boys, I’m harmless! I won’t be a threat to your fragile egos!”). She also captures the multiple-personality-like shifts and the really bad acting.
People for whom “the uploader has not make this video available” can watch here:
(you don’t need a twitter)
I didn’t see the original of Britt’s response, but I feel I could reconstruct it from the parody!