Doesn’t anybody vet the people in the Trump administration?

That the Donald Trump administration is corrupt is old news. What is incredible is how far down the corruption extends and how even low-level grifters seem to have been able to find a home in its various niches. Ben Carson has already been in trouble because of his willingness to cut programs that benefit those who lack adequate housing while spending money on expensive furniture for himself. Now comes reports that one of his advisors Naved Jafry has resigned under a cloud.

He said he was a multimillionaire – an international property developer with a plan to fix America’s cities through radical privatization. He felt that Donald Trump’s administration was where he was meant to work.

Jafry was contracted to work for Trump’s housing and urban development department (Hud). His government email signature said his title was senior adviser. Jafry said he used his role to advocate for “microcities”, where managers privately set their own laws and taxes away from central government control.

But those plans are now stalled. Jafry, 38, said he had resigned from his position with Hud after the Guardian asked him to explain multiple allegations of fraud as well as exaggerations in his biography.

During an interview, Jafry described himself as a veteran of the US army and said he was deployed to Kosovo. When confronted with his service record, though, he said he in fact served as a reservist in the army national guard, and remained in California while giving logistics support to colleagues in Kosovo.

A version of Jafry’s biography on his website said he held a degree in law and alternative dispute resolution from National University in La Jolla, California. Prof Jack Hamlin, chairman of National’s department of professional studies, said: “We do not offer a ‘law degree’.” He declined to discuss Jafry’s case. Jafry later said he received a BA in pre-law studies.

You have to read the article to get the full extent of Jafry’s transgressions and how he boasted about non-existent wealth and deal-making. What is incredible is that no one seems to vet these people. It looks like all you have to do is say that you are rich and that you agree wholeheartedly with Donald Trump and you’re in.

There is one statement of his that is utterly credible and that is when he said that his involvement with the Trump administration “was a natural fit”. Yes, indeed.


  1. Acolyte of Sagan says

    Mark Dowd says

    March 19, 2018 at 5:08 pm

    Exactly how is he any different from The Dump himself?

    Well, he did resign when faced with his dishonesty whereas Trump just screams “Fake News! Witch Hunt! Crooked Hillary!” and carries on as before.

  2. blf says

    Does anybody vet teh dalekocracy?
    Yes, hair furor himself, to ensure (1) The candidate kowtows; (2) The candidate’s check is large enough; and (3) Anything else that flies through the skull-encased vacuum.
    Of course, only candidates pre-approved by Putin can make it to the hair furor vetting.

  3. says

    There are always little fly-by-night parasites flitting around government, hoping to get their beaks wet or stumble over a scam that they can latch onto (e.g.: Manafort, Papadopolous) What’s surprising to me is that Trump, whose scammer sensors ought to be pretty good by now, doesn’t spot them a mile away. After all, they’re him, just a couple years back in time.

    One possible outcome of the Trump administration (assuming he doesn’t start a nuclear war and make the whole point moot) is that everyone’s cynicism level is going to get turned up so far that maybe people will stop believing everything they are told. But, heh, never mind, who am I kidding? He’s got FOX and The National Enquirer on his side, and we’re no longer in the domain of “post-truth politics” we’re into “post-reality.”

  4. Dunc says

    Marcus, @ #4:

    What’s surprising to me is that Trump, whose scammer sensors ought to be pretty good by now, doesn’t spot them a mile away.

    Why would he care? He’s only in it for the grift, and it’s not like the presence of other grifters really makes any difference. if anything, they serve as a useful distraction.

    One possible outcome of the Trump administration […] is that everyone’s cynicism level is going to get turned up so far that maybe people will stop believing everything they are told.

    Yeah, I think we’re a little late for that…

  5. Giauz Ragnarock says

    “What is incredible is that no one seems to vet these people. It looks like all you have to do is say that you are rich and that you agree wholeheartedly with Donald Trump and you’re in.”

    -- Cenk Uygur

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