Happy New Year!

My family, including my grandson, are going to be visiting for the next few days and I am going to be spending some fun time with them so blogging will be suspended until early in the New Year. While 2017 was a disaster in terms of politics in the US, one wonderful thing for me personally was the birth of my grandson. I hope all of you also had at least one thing that was wonderful that enabled you to view the year at least somewhat favorably

Best wishes to all readers for a much better 2018!


  1. Dunc says

    Happy New Year, Mano!

    I give you the traditional Scottish blessing at this time: “Lang may yer lum reek!” (Literally, “long may your chimney smoke”.)

  2. Carl Fink says

    While Trump’s presidency has been pretty much as awful as predicted, I actually have an overall positive view of politics in 2017, due mainly to the Virginia Election in November and Doug Jones’ victory over Roy Moore in Alabama last month.

    On a personal note I got married in 2017 so I definitely look back upon 2017 fondly, especially in comparison to the dumpster fire that was 2016.

    Happy New Year to Dr. Singham and my fellow readers.

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