John Oliver on the Trump budget

It is a pretty good description of the fact the budget hits the poor and those who voted for Trump the hardest. But I think Oliver is wrong in thinking that Trump’s fans will get fed up soon. While there is a little support for this view, usually once people have visibly given their support for someone or something, they tend to have suffer from a version of the ‘sunk cost’ mentality and will double down on their support just to convince themselves that they did not make the wrong decision. We have a long way to go until the reality hits them so hard upside the head that they will be willing to concede their error.


  1. jrkrideau says

    However I think you will see two groups of people who voted for Trump. Those who voted just because they were fed up with US politics as usual and were willing to look for a change, any change. Trump’s promises and his anti-establishmentarianism were enough to attract votes. These people, when it starts to sink in just how horrible he and his policies are are likely to flee.

    The hardcore Trump supporters particularly the far right will double-down and back Trump even more strongly. They “know” that he is good, it’s just that he has been stabbed in the back by the fake media, the deep gov’t, and Uncle Tom Cobbly. His policies would succeeded effortlessly if he had not been sabotages by the CIA , the fake media again, the Illuminati, George Soros and the Bank of England. Oh and the New World Order, almost forgot them.

    It is all a conspiracy to destroy our beloved Cheeto. Oh and Putin is a secret Hilary supporter and all along he has been plotting Trump’s downfall so she can take over.

    I may have some of the players wrong but the conspiracy theorists will be out in full force.

  2. cartomancer says

    This is why I suspect it could be important to push the “I was tricked!” narrative among Trump voters. If they have a ready face-saving narrative available to them then they might be easier to peel away when things inevitably turn bad for them than if they are only confronted with the stupidity of their own decision and made to take the blame for it.

  3. Dunc says

    I may have some of the players wrong but the conspiracy theorists will be out in full force.

    You missed the reverse vampires.

    This is why I suspect it could be important to push the “I was tricked!” narrative among Trump voters.


  4. Johnny Vector says

    Two points:

    1. His approval rating is hovering just under 40%; the lowest of any president this early in their administration since this type of polling was invented.

    2. The enormous number of people who were “always against the Iraq war”. As I recall, at the time it had about 90% support. Now you can barely find anyone who thinks it was a good idea.

    Hopefully #1 is a sign that #2 will happen a lot more quickly with Trump.

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