Voted today

So I voted today at my usual polling place, a former elementary school that is now a pre-school center. The precinct had a small but steady stream of people going in at out but there were no lines at all to get a booth for voting. This was less activity than I was used to in the past but I cannot really compare because in former elections I would go at about 7:30am before I went to work and that was the busy time. Today, as a retired old geezer, I went in at 11:00am.

There were only two people outside the building holding signs, one of whom I knew. There were no topless women protesting Donald Trump at my polling place, unlike what happened in New York City. Given Trump’s reputation, I am not sure why going topless is a protest. It seems like fully covering up would annoy him more. But Trump apparently was also booed and jeered as he went to his own polling place.

So let’s see what the night brings. I will be following the returns and will post any brilliant insights (ha!) that I have during the wait.

Even as of this morning, Donald Trump called in to Fox News saying that the polling (which at the very end suggest a win for Hillary Clinton) is not only wrong and but deliberately wrong and consists of numbers made up to make him look bad. And of course he blasted the ‘dishonest media’. Given that it is all over, this does not look like the actions of a person who is confident of winning. It looks like he is planning to continue the process of delegitimizing the election itself.


  1. Siobhan says

    ‘dishonest media’

    I will seriously never let go of the fact that quoting Trump in his entirety somehow qualifies as “defamation” in his eyes.

    What even are words anymore? *shrug*

  2. Reginald Selkirk says

    There were no topless women protesting Donald Trump at my polling place, unlike what happened in New York City. Given Trump’s reputation, I am not sure why going topless is a protest.

    Might be because it is legal. New York state law says that any place & time it is legal for men to be topless, it is also legal for women to be topless.

  3. Reginald Selkirk says

    I voted this morning, one hour after the local polls opened. I only had to wait behind two people to get my ballot, was in and out in about 10 minutes. (Optical ballot: fill in the circles on a paper ballot, feed the paper into a reading machine). I have never experienced long lines at my voting place here, I guess they do a decent job of having enough equipment for the number of people expected.

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