He joins Rick Perry, Scott Walker, and Bobby Jindal in realizing that his campaign was going nowhere. Most public figures who abandon a race say they want to spend more time with his families but since he has no partner or children, he probably wants to devote all his time to his favorite pursuits such as creating more fear in this country, sending more troops to fight in all the existing wars that he helped start, and starting new wars.
This leaves just three people in the kiddie debates: Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and George Pataki. At some point, debate organizers will face a dilemma. At what point does it look ridiculous to continue to have a separate debate among a small number of people all of whom are barely registering in the polls? And if they abandon the kiddie debate, should they add those remaining to the main debate stage or just abandon them altogether? The organizers are going to face harsh criticisms either way.
left0ver1under says
And once again, people will say, “I didn’t know he was still running….”
Here’s hoping the three at the kid’s table cry foul and file lawsuits. Let the mudslinging begin!
Dave Huntsman says
Since he’s no longer in the race I can post something about him (even though I haven’t left from work yet!).
Graham was actually one of the ‘saner’ ones; one of only two of his party who believes in climate science. He also pushed for comprehensive immigration reform; and also criticized his party for continually demonizing the President.
During the third undercard debate, he and one other candidate spoke from the stage on global worming. Fox then excluded them from any debate stage at all at the next debate -- in my view, not a coincidence, since somehow CNN was able to find room for them at the debate that followed after that. But Fox is again hosting the next debate, and would almost certainly prevent the two of them, again, from even having a stage. Let’s remember who really, in the end, seems to control that party in 2015.
Marcus Ranum says
The organizers are going to face harsh criticisms either way.
They are literally conspiring to help take away americans’ freedoms!! They deserve criticism.
StevoR says
What about Chris Christie? Did he get promoted to the main “debate” event?
Well it was probably always ridiculous and I guess the ultimate answer is one.
Given the petulant meaning free childishness and idiocy of the main event as well as the one so described for the least of the least of the (misnamed?) “hopefuls” I’d say all the Republican “debates” were Kiddy ones. Maybe they should scarp them altogether and go with the job interview alternative suggested here :
by Stonekettle Station blogger Jim Wright.
@2. Dave Huntsman : Agreed when it comes to Graham being one of the saner ones, now only Pataki and Christie left really. Its also blown away a theory put forward by another commentator here -- which I liked and hooped was plausible that Graham would end up becoming their nominee. Was hoping Huckabee or Santorum would have oozed out of teh race by now -- wonder who’ll be next to go?
StevoR says
PS. I like The Digital Cuttlefish’s rhyme on the Republicna non-debate here :
too. What sort of a so-called “debate” is it anyhow when the candidates control what questions get asked and can demand only softball ones? The Digital Cuttlefish’es later post ‘Why I Will Not Watch Tuesday’s GOP Debate’ is pretty good too.