The Daily Show on the latest developments in the presidential race

Jon Stewart brings us up to date on the latest entrants on the Republican side, from the crazy to the racist. It is quite incredible to me that people like Carly Fiorina and Lindsey Graham can be so casual about being condescending and bigoted towards entire nations of large populations.

And then Stewart compares them to the person that the mainstream media questions the sanity of, the perfectly reasonable Bernie Sanders, most of whose views actually coincide with what a majority of Americans believe.

(These clips aired on May 28, 2015. To get suggestions on how to view clips of The Daily Show and The Nightly Show outside the US, please see this earlier post. If the videos autoplay, please see here for a diagnosis and possible solutions.)

(You can go to Sanders’s website to join the campaign and contribute and here to see where he stands on the issues.)

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