Governments making money by seizing assets » « Surprising Republican gambit on birth control Happy Birthday Baxter! The Wonder Dog is nine years old today so I had to send a few photographs out into the internet to commemorate the occasion. Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditEmail Governments making money by seizing assets » « Surprising Republican gambit on birth control
G Pierce (Was ~G~) says September 14, 2014 at 7:46 pm Happy Birthday, Baxter! Hope you get extra treats today!!
chigau (違う) says September 14, 2014 at 10:00 pm He doesn’t look day over eight! Many Happy Returns, Baxter!
Marcus Ranum says September 14, 2014 at 11:37 pm I don’t believe in gods, but I sure believe in dogs.
dean says September 15, 2014 at 10:15 am Arrrrgh. So much for typing on a phone. In #1 “Baster” clearly should be Baxter. Many apologies.
Mano Singham says September 15, 2014 at 10:19 am dean, Don’t worry, Baxter is a very forgiving dog and rarely takes offense at things like this.
lorn says September 15, 2014 at 7:40 pm Someone find that dog a ham bone so big Baxter has to drag it.
Crimson Clupeidae says September 16, 2014 at 1:41 pm My kitteh will be ten in a couple months. Happy b-day to Baxter the Wonder Dog!
Baster looks like fun. But where are the birthday presents?
Happy Birthday, Baxter! Hope you get extra treats today!!
He doesn’t look day over eight!
Many Happy Returns, Baxter!
I don’t believe in gods, but I sure believe in dogs.
¿Qué? Nine?
He wears his years well.
Arrrrgh. So much for typing on a phone. In #1 “Baster” clearly should be Baxter. Many apologies.
Don’t worry, Baxter is a very forgiving dog and rarely takes offense at things like this.
I am on Team Cat, but I don’t care. Moar puppeh pics!
Someone find that dog a ham bone so big Baxter has to drag it.
My kitteh will be ten in a couple months.
Happy b-day to Baxter the Wonder Dog!