Film review: American Hustle (2013) » « Suppressing news about torture This must be one relaxed dog Via Taylor Berman I came across these two videos of Pancho the Chihuahua who seems to have mastered yoga. I am going to show the videos to Baxter the Wonder Dog and see if he might want to try it. Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditEmail Film review: American Hustle (2013) » « Suppressing news about torture
moarscienceplz says April 22, 2014 at 7:00 pm I hate to burst anyone’s bubble, but Pancho has a trainer who is standing behind and above the camera giving him commands during these sessions.
resident_alien says April 22, 2014 at 10:34 pm @ moarscienceplz : So do most humans I’ve seen doing yoga…
^.^ Cute!
I hate to burst anyone’s bubble, but Pancho has a trainer who is standing behind and above the camera giving him commands during these sessions.
@ moarscienceplz : So do most humans I’ve seen doing yoga…