Hey! Pedestrians and bicyclists already know how to become invisible: just go about outside a car.
Of course, the real problems for flying cars aren’t the basic engineering -- they’re navigation (especially in “Instrument Meteorological Conditions”), safety (most designs I’ve seen have single points of failure), and air traffic control. When was the last time you had to navigate in 3 dimensions on instruments alone? Heck, even VFR navigation is a lot harder than it sounds…
From the website, it’s entirely unclear whether the PAL-V has the instruments or rating to operate in IMC, so that might not be a problem -- you just won’t be able to use it if there’s any risk of cloud cover.
Russell says
Hey! Pedestrians and bicyclists already know how to become invisible: just go about outside a car.
Dunc says
Of course, the real problems for flying cars aren’t the basic engineering -- they’re navigation (especially in “Instrument Meteorological Conditions”), safety (most designs I’ve seen have single points of failure), and air traffic control. When was the last time you had to navigate in 3 dimensions on instruments alone? Heck, even VFR navigation is a lot harder than it sounds…
From the website, it’s entirely unclear whether the PAL-V has the instruments or rating to operate in IMC, so that might not be a problem -- you just won’t be able to use it if there’s any risk of cloud cover.