Atlas Shrugged II – More trains!

Ayn Rand devotees will be delighted to hear that part two of the film made from their icon’s hit book will be released before the elections so that they can all – well actually I am not sure what the film is supposed to tell them to do, other than perhaps prepare them to go Galt if the Kenyan-Muslim-Communist-Alinskyite is re-elected in November.

The producers seem undeterred by the fact that the first part was panned by critics and bombed at the box office.

I have not read the book and did not see the first film but did think that the makers made a mistake by setting the 1957 novel in the present but retaining trains as the transportation frontier that their heroic captains of industry seek to conquer. That makes the plot seem weirdly anachronistic.

The official trailer for the film does not seem to be officially available yet but Andy Cobb and The Second City group The Partisans have obtained a copy.


  1. baal says

    Same way Newt’s still in the running. One rich person with too much money and not enough thinking skill.

  2. Nomen Nescio says

    Ing, i would assume the movies get made much the same way Rand’s written works stay in print. those are critically panned bombs too, yet people keep buying the horrid things regardless.

    how was it the criticism went again… ah yes:

    There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.

    original cite (i think?)

  3. Alecthar says

    If you haven’t read the book, I would avoid doing so, it’s terrible. The writing is shoddy, the characters are worse, it’s (staggeringly) overlong, and the philosophy underlying it all is somewhat loathsome. All in all, the worst thing I was ever required to read for a class.

  4. Cliff Hendroval says

    People on Talking Points Media were speculating that this was some sort of money laundering scheme or tax dodge.

  5. Jim Baerg says

    Actually considering that electric rail is one of the few means of transportation that doesn’t run on petroleum products, I think peak oil may make railways the transportation of the future.

  6. says

    I read both that and the Fountainhead. Have you ever read something that everyone else says is “great” and just keep reading and reading because the good part is sure to come and then you get to the end of the book and feel like an idiot because you wasted so much time?

    I did. With each book.

  7. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    You’re a better person than I, Mike. I read The Fountainhead and saw a plot hole so big it must have resulted from a building being blown up. Rand’s writing was stilted, her characters were wooden, and she was preaching rather than writing. I never bothered with Atlas Shrugged.

  8. sometimeszero says

    I got to page 450 of Atlas Shrugged and just couldn’t take anymore. Oddly enough, I enjoyed the Fountainhead.

    On a side note, debating an Objectivist is a lot like debating a religious fanatic. In fact, I’d rather debate the religious fanatic.

    #3: I often wonder what it is about Objectivism that turns 14-year olds into lunatics.

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