If it’s Thursday, it must be Sierra College

It is Thursday, right?My brain is melting a bit, so I’m not really sure any more. I know I’m getting on the train again this afternoon and heading up to Sacramento, at least. I’m giving one more talk in California, at 7pm in Weaver 110 at Sierra. They are charging $5 admission; I was surprised to discover at the last place that charged that it seemed to have no affect on the group’s ability to fill a room. Next tour: Ticketmaster.

I’ve been talking every day for 8 days straight. I’ve got a break in that routine for a couple of days, at least, even those days are all going to be consumed with travel.

If it’s Wednesday, it must be Stanford

Oy, that Myers guy is babbling in California again. Tonight at 7pm, I’ll be in Main Quad Building 420 (Jordan Hall), room 041, at Stanford. Two more days. I’ll make it.

Many people have asked where I’ll be tomorrow. Again at 7pm, look for me in Weaver 110 on the Sierra College campus.

Don’t look for me on the day after, though. I’ll be slumped in a plane, on my way back to spending a delightful 12 hours or so in Minneapolis.

Still not shutting up

I seem to be leaving a trail of noisy wreckage behind me as I cruise through California. You can read one account of my talk at Davis in their local paper — I sound very ferocious in the description — and my evening in Chico was recorded. That one was a little different; we just gathered for beer and pizza, and then we sat around and people asked questions, so it was more of a casual Q&A.

I’ll be heading out shortly to talk some more. I think my voice is getting a little huskier after all this…it must hold out for another week and a half!

All is well!

For everyone writing to me concerned about the status of the stranded Trophy Wife™: she’s fine. She was going to be stuck in a gas station in Hancock, Minnesota for a night, and a local minister stepped up and offered her a place to stay…and when the weather cleared a bit, helped her get back home to Morris. So she has survived the storm, is doing fine, and is even going to work today.

If it’s Tuesday, it must be Sacramento City College

I’ll be speaking tonight at 7 in the Student Union of Sacramento City College.


Holy crap, they’re charging admission. Maybe no one will show up now…unless I add extra value to my performance. Strip tease? Singing the Narwhal song? My imitations of celebrity creationists (warning: they all involve drooling)? Oh, man, where can I get a puppet, some KY, and a rabid wolverine at such short notice?

Bad, bad spouse

The perils of posting from a cell phone — I actually wrote something here as I was being driven to Chico, and my phone apparently ate it, making it a blank post. Which didn’t stop anyone since it gathered 66 comments.

Anyway, I’m feeling guilty. I was in the pleasant warmth (and moistness) of California, feeling no stress, and my wife called to report that she was stranded. She’d been on her way to work when she was slammed by a blizzard and white-out conditions, conditions which make driving literally impossible, and she’d pulled over into a gas station in a tiny town in rural Minnesota. And had been stuck there for hours, with no end in sight, and so she’d simply been hunkered down in a gas station all day. There is no motel or much of anything in that town, so she’s relying on the kindness of strangers — some charitable family in town might be able to put her up for a night, because she sure isn’t going anywhere.

Or maybe she could handle the late night shift at the gas station? Nah, they probably just close up for the night, especially in a blizzard.

It’s not my fault, but a fellow still has to feel awful about abandoning his wife to the hazards of Minnesota weather. The least I can do is tell all of you that if ever you get to meet the Trophy Wife™ you should offer her some sympathy, since she puts up with even more than you can possibly imagine. The Catholic church might as well start canonization procedures now, because living with me ought to make her a shoo-in for sainthood, despite the trivial fact that she’s not Catholic.