I’m a bad, bad man — I’ve been neglecting the Molly awards for too long. Let’s fix that! For those who don’t know, the Molly awards are how we acknowledge valued and insightful commenters here, by allowing readers to nominate the names of the people they enjoy seeing in the comment threads, and the prize is that those names get enshrined on a web page.
The last round of nominations was in February. There are two winners for February 2008: Truth Machine and Mrs Tilton. Say “Huzzah!” and break out the champagne!
Now we’re a month behind, and we need nominations for both March and April. Maybe you can’t remember what anyone said in March, though, so let’s do it this way: everyone should make a general suggestion for someone you’ve known as a regular here for some time, and I’ll pick from those for the March award; and you should also make a more specific nomination for someone who has impressed you lately, and I’ll pick from those for the April award.