You know, the old “two great tastes that taste great together” slogan, only the opposite of that — two awful things that become even more awful when combined? I tried imagining something unpleasantly yucky, and then picturing a completely different yuk, and then mixed them up in my imagination, and only succeeded in making myself mildly nauseous.
Then I discovered that Answers in Genesis had done the exercise for me. They have announced that they are combining the idiocy of young earth creationism with the hype of AI, and then I felt extremely nauseous.
We’ve been talking about doing this project for some time now, and I’m excited to finally announce a brand-new tool to help you find answers to your questions: AI Genesis. This chat tool, an extension of our website, has been under development and testing for months, and we’ve now rolled out a beta (test) version for anyone who has an account on our website.
You can ask our AI a wide variety of questions, such as:
• What was the shape of Noah’s ark?
• What’s the best evidence for a young earth?
• Is Genesis derived from ancient myths?
• What happened to the dinosaurs?
• Are the Gospels trustworthy?
• How can I share the gospel with someone who is trans?
I don’t have an account on their website — I haven’t even tried, but Ken Ham has gone all fatwah on my butt so I doubt I’d succeed — but I’m confident that they’ve implemented a glorified chatbot to deliver highly filtered creationist messages to their audience. One thing I have to commend AiG for is that they’ve hired some competent people to manage their internet presence. Have you looked at their SEO? Try to use Google to find specific details about AiG, and instead you get page after page of fluff written by AiG proponents. It’s amazingly useless.
But then, Google pretty much sucks nowadays.
Electric Monk – a labour-saving device created for the purpose of “saving you what was becoming an increasingly onerous task, that of believing all the things the world expected you to believe”
(From Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams)
Andiwuk @ 1 beat me to it.
As for nauseating stuff, a post by Trust Me Bro at Youtube listed obscure awful psychoactive substances. One gaseous item was created by letting human urine and feces ferment in a bottle.
In Valen’s name! Even the religious bullshit is going to be automated!
I seem to recall that during the 70s and 80s, these same Bible-humpers claimed that the computers were going to be the means by which the so-called “antichrist” was going to come into power. Hell, Alex Jones used to claim that AI was literally Satan is disguise and that the transhumanist wet-dream of consciousness uploading was a means to damn humanity to Hell.
Now even he is using ChatGPT to create some of this crappy content.
The sad, but also hilarious, thing about any “AI” that AiG implements is that, just like every other one out there, it will end up a) delivering bits that they don’t want it to, and/or b) hallucinating and spitting out utter nonsense, that isn’t in the Bible at all. In other words, it will be a beautiful disaster and I just hope it takes them a while to realize how big of a disaster it is. Sadly… unlike the slew of lawyers, cops, etc. that have been censured, fired, disbarred, etc. over having AI do their homework for them, and having it screw up the result so badly that it got them in super big trouble (for some reason quoting fictional case law, or having an AI make up things that never happened in a police report, etc. is… problematic. lol), there is no God who will show up to tell these clowns, “What the F? That isn’t correct, and you are in deep trouble for having this defective chatbot misrepresent me.” But, its all the more funny that it might take them a while to realize that no matter how well “trained” the thing is, it will still be possible to “guide it” into admitting god doesn’t exist, instead of that he is real, and just because they can, similarly, “guide it” into claiming he does exist doesn’t mean jack, because the second the public has access to the thing half the internet will be saying, “Here is my conversation with AiG’s AI, in which it admits the Bible is all bullshit!” And… there is no f-ing way, do to how they work, or more specifically how they do not, to ever fix it so you can’t do this. lol
Noah’s Ark was just a big, round tub, I believe. It didn’t need to GO anywhere, it just needed to float. I’ll skip the AI Genesis and just ask God next time I talk to Her.
Someone could ask AI Genesis if YHWH and Ashera enjoyed sex together. Inquiring minds need to know.
@ 6
I’m sure there are plenty of anthropologists and cultural historians who’d disagree with me, but theism seemed a lot more tolerable of sex when the god’s fucked on another. The lone deity of Abrahamic lore seems like a cosmic incel.
“What was the shape of Noah’s ark?”
Brick and mortar office building with a wooden boat facade and a bulbous bow like a modern oil tanker.
@robro #6:
Ask the AI if they used the rhythm method, and if so how many baby universes came into existence.
Akira MacKenzie @ #7 — That’s what the prudes running religion the past 1000 years or so would have us believe, but there’s plenty of evidence that the Abrahamic pantheon was sexually much like the pantheons of other cultures.
Rich Woods @ #9 — Oooh, good one. Gen AI loves follow up questions.
what’s the sound of one ark clapping?
Coming up next: an AI pretending to be Jesus, sending people ominous or reassuring messages via phone, text, email, Web, etc. (This was already predicted in at least two SF novels, “The Armageddon Crazy” by Mick Farren; and “Count Zero” by William Gibson, where two AIs merge and spin off lots of independent avatars presenting as Voudoun loas.)
I seem to recall that during the 70s and 80s, these same Bible-humpers claimed that the computers were going to be the means by which the so-called “antichrist” was going to come into power…
There’s a question for GenAI: Who is the Antichrist predicted in Daniel — Donald Trump or a Christian AI?
PZ wrote: Google pretty much sucks nowadays.
I reply: It has for a long time
PZ wrote: they are combining the idiocy of young earth creationism with the hype of AI
I reply: AI should stand for Actual Idiocy!
It used to be ‘turtles all the way down’ That has devolved into ‘xtian terrorists all the way down’ the death spiral of this country
There are so many ways in which the important documents of this country (Bill of Rights, Constitution, Laws, etc.) are becoming a terrible palimpsest with the MUMP cult (musk+tRUMP) and xtian terrorists re-writing them. I dare any to factually disprove that we are in a Death Spiral into the New Dark Ages
o.k. Shermanj, no more soapbox for you today
AI generating replies seems strangely appropriate – the AiG panel of young clowns always seems generated in virtual reality, and their “answers” have to follw a pattern.
I have the mental image of wingnut preachers being made redundant by AI,because they are so much better at spouting fundamentalist gibberish than humans.
the fundimentalist sound pretty much like demented robots already how are anyone going to tell which is the real preacher?
maybe it will give them more time with their rent boys and girls.
“Hey, would you like to have the gospel?”
“Sure, why not?”
“Here you are.”
“Okay, thanks.”
There, easy.
I knew creationists would use AI to help spread lies about their fantasy world. It’s the perfect tool for their delusional “ministry.”
@larpar #8.
Nailed it.