Primary Schumer

Jon Stewart channels my personal feelings about the Democrats in general and Chuck Schumer in particular. We are so thoroughly screwed by these blithering cowards.

Look, now my blood pressure is elevated just before I go in for my physical. I’m going to tell the doctor it’s not my fault, it’s the Democrats.


  1. says

    Isn’t Schumer one of Israel’s biggest supporters in the Democratic Party? I’m thinking if we primary him, we’ll probably have to turn his support for Israel into a weakness. And the best way to do that is by pointing out that: a) support for Israel is simply not in America’s interest and never has been; and b) the corrupt Likudnik leadership are not at all good for Israel or Jews, and we should not be supporting a corrupt warmonger who’s dragging his people into war just to keep himself in power.

  2. Akira MacKenzie says

    Yeah, Stewart refuses to call the Republicans fascists, so this is pretty toothless.

  3. raven says

    Schumer is like a deer in the headlights of a car at night except the deer is a lot more intelligent.

    This guy is a nobody, a colorless party apparatchick at a time when we need someone with vision, courage, and an IQ above room temperature.

    My contempt for him and the other 8 Democratic party deer-in-the-headlights who voted for the Continuing Resolution is limitless.

    If someone primaries Schumer, I’m going to donate to their campaign.

  4. raven says

    CNN Poll: Democratic Party’s favorability drops to a record …

    CNN › politics › cnn-poll-democrats

    2 days ago — With many in the party saying publicly that their leaders should do more to stand up to President Donald Trump, Democrats and Democratic-aligned …

    Schumer and the old white men that run the Democratic party are the wrong people in the wrong place at the time when the old USA has already fallen without any sort of fight.

    This is a widely held opinion by a lot of the party’s voters.

    The new leadership we need should be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Patty Murray Senator Washington, Merekely and Wyden Oregon, etc..

  5. raven says

    I’d barely heard of Chuck Schumer two weeks ago.

    I have now and I’m not impressed.
    He is way too old at 74 and completely out of touch with the 21st century, which is 25 years old now.

    By too old I don’t mean chronologically, I’m a Boomer too. Bernie Sanders at 83 and Nancy Pelosi at 82 aren’t too old.
    Some old Boomers can hold down demanding and complicated jobs. Schumer isn’t one of them.

    Sen. Chuck Schumer’s book tour postponed for … – ABC News

    ABC News › Politics › story
    22 hours ago — Sen. Chuck Schumer’s book tour postponed for ‘security concerns’ amid funding vote controversy. Schumer had events planned in Baltimore, New …

    Schumer was supposed to go on a book tour to promote his new book, Antisemitism in America.
    He just canceled it.
    A large proportion of the Democratic party’s voters are very angry at him and the party and they were going to show up and tell Schumer what they thought.

    It is possible that what passes for Senator Schumer’s fossilized brain is vaguely starting to realize that this isn’t the 1980s and Reagan isn’t the president any more.

    “Hey, Chuck, it is 2025. Do you know where your country and its government is these days?”

  6. says

    On the 16th of March, we sent a letter to the dnc pac and schumer stating that while we are pacific (peaceful), we expect schumer to just Crawl Off and Die, soon!

    Here are some of my comments here from yesterday
    Scrotum has given the magat tRUMP a permanent get out of jail free card.
    Now tRUMP has destroyed any remaining rule of law by ignoring court rulings
    The felonious muskrat’s ignorant little cockroaches are destroying Social Security millions may starve
    For many additional criminal reasons, including the murderous acts of the felonious muskrat and the cowardice and lies of schumer the whore, people will die and:

      I have been seeking answers to how to halt this death spiral. But, I can’t find any that would work. I see AOC, Jamie Raskin, Jasmine Crockett, some judges and a few others are trying to mitigate the damage. But, even they are playing by rules that the felonious muskrat and magat tRUMP have long since abandoned and ignore with impunity. And, I see no entity or power that can stop the murderous MUMP cult from destroying what is left of society.
      I am open to ideas, people. We should be willing to use their own weapons against them, as long as we don’t become murderous as they are. It takes power. But, empowerment almost always takes big money. While I’ve been involved in many of them, grassroots movements, methods and local action require millions of people to act in a unified, carefully coordinated manner and for a LONG time to accomplish anything significant.

    This nation is far down the death spiral. I don’t know if it can be redeemed.

    Martha and the Vandellas were correct: nowhere to run to, baby, nowhere to hide

  7. rorschach says

    “Jon Stewart channels my personal feelings about the Democrats in general and Chuck Schumer in particular.”

    Jon Stewart and all the other professional TV comedians really need to understand that we are in a coup and this is not subject of humorous dialogue anymore.

  8. Rob Grigjanis says

    rorschach @10: If you’ve been watching Colbert, Meyers, Stewart, Oliver, etc, you’d see that there is real rage seething behind the gags. The humour makes the horror a bit more palatable, but no less horrific. But as always, mileage varies.

  9. freeline says

    One difference between Republicans and Democrats is Republicans don’t want government to function and Democrats do. So it’s inherently not a fair fight. If the GOP blows things up and closes down the government for a couple of weeks, they’ve gotten what they want. The Democrats, on the other hand, want things to run smoothly and to not do institutional damage, so to them, a government shutdown is to be avoided.

    We can have a discussion about whether that’s a viable strategy — I’m increasingly thinking it’s not — but that is where Democrats are coming from. They’re playing by the rules (or at least what used to be the rules) whereas Republicans want as much upheaval and uproar as they can get. It’s basically trying to debate someone whose idea of a debate is hurling poo.

  10. UnknownEric the Apostate says

    Chuck Schumer has always cared more about getting his face on the news than anything else. Living in NY State in the 90s, my dad and I used to make fun of him for popping up at every damn press conference thrown in the state. It could be the opening of a pig shit depository and there would be old Chuck standing on stage, sticking his face in view of the camera.

  11. John Morales says

    A different take:

    “Chuck Schumer
    The heat shield.

    Democrats were cornered this week. After House Republicans banded together to pass a bill funding the government through September, Senate Democrats faced a choice. They could put up enough votes to break a filibuster and allow the bill to pass, or they could filibuster it, likely sending the government into a shutdown. This strictly 9-to-5 newsletter was sent to the printer before the final vote was cast. But Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer had announced Thursday that he would vote to break a filibuster, signaling that enough Democrats would cave with him to keep the government open. The amount of flak Schumer has taken since his announcement—and not just from progressive Democrats—has been breathtaking. But we’ll use this space to defend his choice (before, like the slimy turncoats we are, criticizing it in the next entry). We’ve believed from the get-go that this leverage point wasn’t much of one at all. The obvious play for Republicans was to put a clean-ish extension of funding up for a vote and dare Democrats to filibuster it. Despite what a poll here or there may say now, Republicans would have a strong hand in the ensuing blame game: Democrats shut down the government by blocking the funding bill. If Democrats found themselves getting the blame, then their exit strategy from a losing position could get grisly. To reopen the government, Democrats would have to cave for less than they’re being offered now. And Trump and Elon Musk might decide that they’re not interested in reopening the government for a while—really, that they’re quite happy slashing nonessential functions and personnel in the absence of congressional action. We’d note that Chuck Schumer doesn’t like being called a traitor by every left-of-center person. He’s touchy about it. He has to have a substantial reason to light himself aflame like this. Could it be that he’s absorbing the heat for a lot of Senate Democrats, many of whom are voting the other way but privately agree that blocking the bill would prove to be a critical strategic mistake?”

  12. bcw bcw says

    Whether there is an argument for preventing a shutdown or not, Schumer utterly failed as a leader: despite a growing crisis, he and the party were silent and invisible for weeks and never came up with a plan, then finally announced a plan to block the House Budget Resolution, got buy-in from the House Democrats, some of who stuck their necks out to create an almost unanimous no vote; and then at the last minute Schumer betrayed them all. He clearly planned it as his pitch to the GD NY Times was ready to go immediately. Just goes to show who he sees as mattering.

    The problem began before Trump’s inauguration with no plan on how to oppose Trump’s agenda. The Senate Democrats fecklessly voted for unanimous consent for all of Trump’s nominees, creating an express train for their confirmation. They seem to have done this because Schumer and the Senate Democrats wanted their three day weekends, so Schumer could get to his Israeli-American Friendship fundraising dinners and other Senators could do junkets to Munich or go fundraise. McConnell would never have caved like that. Delays would have generated press and help sell the idea of the crisis we are in, but withholding unanimous consent would have required the Democrats to give up their weekends, couldn’t have that.

    I have never hated the Democratic leadership as much as I do now.

  13. raven says

    Whether there is an argument for preventing a shutdown or not, Schumer utterly failed as a leader: despite a growing crisis, he and the party were silent and invisible for weeks and never came up with a plan, Whether there is an argument for preventing a shutdown or not, Schumer utterly failed as a leader: despite a growing crisis, he and the party were silent and invisible for weeks and never came up with a plan,

    Yeah, this.

    Schumer and the so called Democratic Party leadership didn’t just drop one ball. They didn’t just fail once.
    They’ve failed every day, in every way, ever since Trump got elected.
    By now, they have a track record of complete failures and are highly unlikely to be able to change enough to matter.

    The voters all know this.
    The Democratic Party is now in record low approval ratings for failing to even make a weak attempt to save the US democracy.

    People keep saying now is not the time for a Democratic party civil war.
    That is wrong.
    If there isn’t a change to competent and brave leadership with a vision and plans, then the Democrats become an irrelevant political party in a dictatorship of the GOP and the christofascists.
    There are good people in the Democratic party still. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Patty Murray, and many of the congresspeople, etc..
    Schumer and the tired, old white guys aren’t them though.

    It’s really surprising how fast and easily the USA fell apart. It just took the cognitiveiy challenged conperson Trump, and a crazy billionaire Musk.
    And how useless the Democratic party has been in fixing this.

  14. raven says

    Just saw this while doomscrolling on Bluesky.
    Sums it up.

    Your Internet Friend Tom Tomorrow
    good interviewing:

    just got chuck schumer to acknowledge that he doesn’t think democracy is at risk right now, though we might get there
    March 18, 2025 at 5:21 PM Some people can reply

    I had some negative things to say about Chuck Schumer, Senator from New York.

    He is far worse than I thought.
    The USA’s democracy is dead right now, everyone knows it, and Schumer doesn’t.
    He has absolutely no reason to be an elected official much less any sort of Democratic party leader.
    Schumer is worse than useless. He is taking up space better used by cows and grass.

  15. says

    Whether there is an argument for preventing a shutdown or not, Schumer utterly failed as a leader: despite a growing crisis, he and the party were silent and invisible for weeks and never came up with a plan,

    Worse, it signaled total weakness and willingness to fold in the face of republican threats to … shutdown the government. Eventually the republicans will have to pull the trigger in order to demonstrate their threat is real. In the meantime, Schumer is rushing to compromise ahead of some pushback.

    It’s like that scene in Life of Brian where Brian refuses to haggle over the fake beard, because he’s desperate. He still get skint by the vendor, who ends the transaction thinking he’s a total git.

  16. says

    The new leadership we need should be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Patty Murray Senator Washington, Merekely and Wyden Oregon, etc..

    The democrats need a great orator.
    They keep putting people in place because it’s their turn, not because they have vision, energy, and a voice.

  17. unclefrogy says

    yah I am doing my best to keep from being to depressed but I am old enough to have seen enough( late 70’s) that old song lyrics come to mind echoing my feelings ” Oh Mama can this really be the end to be stuck here inside Mobile with the Memphis Blues again ”
    I must have dreamed things were changing all that time ago.
    but this makes my efforts completely fail

    So I’m watchin’ and I’m waitin’
    Hopin’ for the best
    Even think I’ll go to prayin’
    Every time I hear ’em sayin’
    That there’s no way to delay
    That trouble comin’ every day
    No way to delay
    That trouble comin’ every day– Frank Zappa

    Neville Chamberlain Award. indeed!!

  18. Bekenstein Bound says

    The obvious play for Republicans was to put a clean-ish extension of funding up for a vote and dare Democrats to filibuster it.

    “Clean-ish”? It guts Medicaid!

    Schumer and the so called Democratic Party leadership didn’t just drop one ball.

    No, they’ve fumbled an entire IKEA pit of ’em and it’s been going on since fucking Reagan, accelerating all the while.

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