Of course it did. Baleen whales don’t have teeth to chew him up, and their throats are too narrow to swallow him whole, so this kayaker just had a brief, fun little trip to tell his friends about.
I don’t think the whale swallowed him. If something goes into my mouth and I spit it out I haven’t swallowed it and that’s what the whale did, or so it seems to me, totally not any kind of biologist or expert on such things.
After getting a taste, the whale probably thought, this is Noah good.
Bada-boom, bada-bing!
Hoosier Bluegillsays
I’ve always thought that being eaten by a bear or a mountain lion would be one of my preferred ways to die. But on seeing this, I think that being eaten by a whale would be even better. Maybe I should start swimming with Orcas once I reach a certain age and level of infirmity
Amazingly even the larger blue whale has a throat diameter of only 4 inches.
@larpar#8: But they can give you a whale of a time.
@8 larpar
They are! They’re Odontocetes, toothed whales, the same as all dolphins. Whales are a paraphyletic group without them.
Matt Gsays
A more accurate headline might be “man gargled by whale.”
@ ^ Matt G : I don’t think it was long enough to count as a “gargle. More like spat outr like when a fly, gnat, midge or other tiny insect gets in your mouth accidentally and spit it up straight away rather than swallowing it. .
@ 7. fergl : “Amazingly even the larger blue whale has a throat diameter of only 4 inches.”
“QI discusses what blue whales can swallow here – What’s The Largest Thing A Blue Whale Can Swallow?”
Before or after it’s been through a blender?
I was playing cards with friends. One guy was sitting at the end of the table with a big mug of coffee. While everyone was leaning over to look at the cards on the table, my friend took a big swig of his coffee, only to find that a fly had flow in when it started wiggling at the back of his throat. He explosively spit out the coffee, painting the side of everyone’s faces and all the cards on the table. I think that’s equivalent to what happened with the whale.
And after a blue whale has been through a blender, I don’t think it can swallow anything at all.
I don’t think the whale swallowed him. If something goes into my mouth and I spit it out I haven’t swallowed it and that’s what the whale did, or so it seems to me, totally not any kind of biologist or expert on such things.
It was more like the grandest french kiss ever.
His Dad’s name isn’t Geppetto, is it?
Nor is his dad’s name Lamech.
After getting a taste, the whale probably thought, this is Noah good.
Bada-boom, bada-bing!
I’ve always thought that being eaten by a bear or a mountain lion would be one of my preferred ways to die. But on seeing this, I think that being eaten by a whale would be even better. Maybe I should start swimming with Orcas once I reach a certain age and level of infirmity
Amazingly even the larger blue whale has a throat diameter of only 4 inches.
@#6 Hoosier Bluegill
Orcas are not whales.
Jonah, not Noah.
Amittai is Jonah’s father.
@larpar#8: But they can give you a whale of a time.
@8 larpar
They are! They’re Odontocetes, toothed whales, the same as all dolphins. Whales are a paraphyletic group without them.
A more accurate headline might be “man gargled by whale.”
@ ^ Matt G : I don’t think it was long enough to count as a “gargle. More like spat outr like when a fly, gnat, midge or other tiny insect gets in your mouth accidentally and spit it up straight away rather than swallowing it. .
@ 7. fergl : “Amazingly even the larger blue whale has a throat diameter of only 4 inches.”
QI discusses what blue whales can swallow here – What’s The Largest Thing A Blue Whale Can Swallow? (Approx 3 mins long.)
“QI discusses what blue whales can swallow here – What’s The Largest Thing A Blue Whale Can Swallow?”
Before or after it’s been through a blender?
I was playing cards with friends. One guy was sitting at the end of the table with a big mug of coffee. While everyone was leaning over to look at the cards on the table, my friend took a big swig of his coffee, only to find that a fly had flow in when it started wiggling at the back of his throat. He explosively spit out the coffee, painting the side of everyone’s faces and all the cards on the table. I think that’s equivalent to what happened with the whale.
And after a blue whale has been through a blender, I don’t think it can swallow anything at all.