Never go full TERF. Here’s another Trumpian declaration:
I disagree, though. He’s not declaring all Americans female; he’s instead declaring that we’re all trans, because we changed from an undifferentiated state to whatever sex we’re assigned at birth. Unfortunately, his argument is built on a falsehood, because obviously sex is not immutable, it changes during fetal development, and we get another major shift at puberty (why do all the TERFs ignore puberty? It’s right there in our faces, everyone goes through it, and we definitely change at the cellular and gross morphological level). We can also trigger profound changes with hormones, and more subtly, brains can have properties of either, both, or no sex. You cannot reduce complex human identities to a single cell type produced by a single organ, although these regressive dimwits will try desperately.
Do I need to mention that you are not producing any reproductive cell, small or large, at conception?
Akira MacKenzie says
“Fetal sex doesn’t start to differentiate until 7 weeks into gestation.”
This is the point were some asshole swoops in to give us the usual 7th grade biology spiel about XX and XY chromosomes.
christoph says
I’ve said it before: Elect a turd, get a shitshow.
robro says
“You cannot reduce complex human identities”. Simple minds can. I understand that they’re wrong, but they don’t know that. Simple minds need simple explanations.
dlpthomas says
For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. – HL Mencken
raven says
Well, really this is all just for show.
Pandering to the haters that make up his base.
It costs him nothing except a few minutes and a press release.
The US president can’t arbitrarily decide everyone’s sex and gender by issuing a piece of paper.
He doesn’t have that power.
Saying something doesn’t make it true.
He could also declare that the earth is flat, it is 6,000 years old, and he has a functioning brain. None of which is true.
We are all free to just ignore him and go on with our lives.
Which is what will happen.
Akira MacKenzie says
@ 5
He does have the power to make the lives of every trans person in America a living Hell.
larpar says
raven @ 5
It erases 3 million+ people in the eyes of the government.
raven says
Probably not.
No doubt it will make Trans lives harder.
But not by a lot.
OK, people, think it through.
How many Trans people detransitioned since yesterday?
How many Trans people will detransition in the future because Trump said they don’t exist?
It is about zero here.
BTW, I’m not trying to minimize what Trans people are facing here, which is government malevolence.
A huge number of people are also on the GOP list of…Groups To Hate.
We are all hurting here.
That would include women, children, immigrants (legal, undocumented, and obtained citizenship), atheists, scientists, Progressives, nonwhites, nonxians, LBTQIA+, and I’m sure I’ve left some groups out.
I’m in several of those groups myself.
Women are already getting sick and dying in Red states from their abortion bans. And the GOP plans to make those bans nationwide.
submoron says
“Make up your mind Mr.. err Mrs… err Mr Tiresias”
raven says
Why is that bad and who cares?
This isn’t my government any more except when I can’t ignore it.
The other issue here is not to comply unless you have to by threats of force.
They want you to be afraid and hide in your closet.
Don’t let them.
Don’t play their game.
submoron says
I don’t think that the RF part of TERF applies.
numerobis says
raven, I feel like maybe you need to read:…