
  1. Reginald Selkirk says

    The Infinite Thread has a dead battery and needs a jump start. If you don’t get to it before you travel, I’ll have to resort to doing actual “work.”

  2. Akira MacKenzie says

    I love going to Madison. Friendly, intelligent people. Very cosmopolitan for a town it’s size. GREAT game stores…

  3. birgerjohansson says

    “chatting with a 6 year old”
    You are on speaking terms with the president-elect?

    Sorry, couldn’t let that one slip past.

  4. birgerjohansson says

    Have you noticed the politicians who say the solution to mass shootings is mental health treatment refuse to cough up the money for better mental health aviability?
    Now we have two veterans who died in a violent manner.

  5. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 6

    Have you noticed the politicians who say the solution to mass shootings is mental health treatment refuse to cough up the money for better mental health aviability [sic]?

    Considering that pro-gun politicians generally believe that mental illness is a character flaw and/or the result of demonic possession, I shudder to think what they’d considered “treatment.”

  6. Bekenstein Bound says


    Doesn’t the VA provide mental health services for veterans? I.e., wasn’t it already available to these particular two people?

    Also, what ever did six year olds do to you to deserve you insulting them so horribly?

  7. Silentbob says

    I can relate. I have to do that every time Morales calls me “fecalbumbulum” or “SnottyBlob” or one of his typical witty ripostes.

  8. gijoel says

    @6 Or are paid actors hired by the government to take away your freedom! A lot of conspiracy theories seem to be about maintain a person’s entitlement or refusing to deal with an inconvenience.

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